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Old 08-01-05, 02:11 PM   #1
Join Date: May-2005
Location: Toronto
Age: 36
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Question Normal?

i just got my crestie a few days ago, i followed dragon drops recipie, plus i made a bunch of diffrent fruit mixes to see what my crestie would like... turns out the only thing he will eat is the mushed up apple i set out for my pinhead crickets to eat... Can cresties eat apple :S i havnt seen that mentioned anywhere as something they can eat, but it seems to be the only thing he will touch!
1 beardie
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Old 08-01-05, 03:04 PM   #2
Join Date: Jun-2005
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I fed mine an apple and pear fruit mix for a long time, and my guys are still kicking! Are you feeding it pinheads? That might be a bit too small depending on how old your babe is. I normally start my babies off on 1/4's, and about a month later they can eat 1/2's. Maybe my guys are big eaters, who knows!

When I buy a crested, I normally ask who I am buying it from what they were feeding it, and then go from there.

Good luck with the babe!
Amanda Heaton
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Old 08-01-05, 04:00 PM   #3
Join Date: May-2005
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hes about like 5 and a half cm with his tail... i was told when i got him that he eats pinheads... which he hasnt touched :| wierd lil guy... all he does is eat his apple pulp and drink water off of everything... thanks for the help.. i was worried that cresties shouldnt eat apple since i didnt see it mentioned anywhere... guess im just blind
1 beardie
3 cats, a yellow lab, lotsa fish tanks,
1.1 Israli Sand Geckos
0.0.2 Cresties
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Old 08-01-05, 04:39 PM   #4
Join Date: Jun-2005
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I would say that eating apple isn't bad, but only eating apple isn't that great. You should still be trying to get it to eat crickets.

My guys won't eat crickets if their enclosure is too small. Once I put them into a 16x13x15 rubbermaid, they will eat them. I had a baby that I put into a small critter keeper, and it wouldn't touch crickets until I eventually moved him up.

Good luck!
Amanda Heaton
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Old 08-01-05, 04:53 PM   #5
Join Date: May-2005
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thanks a lot... mabey my problem is that hes in something waaay to big... i have him in a exo terra terrarium... like the big one :| cuz i always have to keep upgrading, and this time i decided to just go right to a bigger tank.. anyways thanks im going to try to get him to eat some other stuff
1 beardie
3 cats, a yellow lab, lotsa fish tanks,
1.1 Israli Sand Geckos
0.0.2 Cresties
0.1.0 house gecko (hemidactylus mabouia)
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Old 08-05-05, 03:08 PM   #6
Join Date: May-2005
Location: Toronto
Age: 36
Posts: 73
Update : my crestie is doing amazing hes finaly hunting for crickets which is awsome to watch plus he finaly decided to eat almost everything i put out for him thanks a lot for the help next time mabey i wont be so parinoid and let the animal settle in lol
1 beardie
3 cats, a yellow lab, lotsa fish tanks,
1.1 Israli Sand Geckos
0.0.2 Cresties
0.1.0 house gecko (hemidactylus mabouia)
O.0.4 Leopard geckos
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