Rough Green Snake Rescue, need some help...
A rough green snake just came into my possession from a family friend who bought it for their child...
He isn't eating, apparently, though there are crickets running about his cage.
His setup is pretty good, he's on that bed-a-beast bark stuff, with a viney-branch thingy and some plastic foliage. I put in a little plastic container for a hide. I don't think he's had any supplementary heat, so I'm going to put a lamp on him.
Also, he looks like he has some scabs or something on his skin in places...they're basically black crusty spots...and there's a sort of bulge on his side, very small, that looks like maybe a broken rib...
I've heard green snakes are notoriously hard to get eating, is this true? If so, does anyone have any tips? Has anybody kept one of these successfully?