I've been told it was ok to mix my peninsulas and red-barreds together, but thats only because they are from the same region, same genus, and really only differ very little, but thats them.
I have seen AWD's and skinks being housed together in enclosures, but then again, that was A PET SHOP. I was just interested to know. Would it be alright to try even for a day and see how it goes, or even a couple of minutes. I held my other beardie (almost fully grown) in front of my ackie, and the beardie didn't mind too much but the ackie wasn't too happy. Maybe if the ackie is bigger than the other species he won't mind.
Im just interested
Also, what would be the minimum (length/age) to put them in with the other beardies which are 39cm and 43cm respectavely and 2 1/2 years old?