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Old 04-24-05, 03:40 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr-2005
Posts: 7
Need Advice

Its my first time feeding my emerald swift meal worms, or any worms for that matter, but, what do you suggest feeding them on. Should I get a bowl for the worms and crickets, or what?

Cause i figure the crickets will just jump out, and the worms just kinda waddle around. But im a little worried about putting the small baby crickets in because they can easily get under the substrate, which is called Repti Bark. The meal worms can get under it too, and Im worried that my swift wont find them, and eventually I'll have 10 different insects in there.

Any advice for feeding him so he sees them right away and eats them, instead of not noticing them and having the bugs crawl down into the substrate and never seeing them again?.....right now as im typing this a meal worm just escaped out of his bowl and now I cant find him......But I really need help with feeding and being able to have him eat right away. Please help!
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Old 04-24-05, 03:44 PM   #2
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you could always get a deeper dish yo put the mealies in, or have a seperate feeding container. Just put the swift in a big enough rubbermaid and throw the mealies in. Once he's eaten put him back in his cage.
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Old 04-24-05, 04:22 PM   #3
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o never thought of that...thanks. Any advice for the crickets though?
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Old 04-24-05, 04:37 PM   #4
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You could try the same thing with the crix. I know some ppl will pull the back legs off so they can't jump out of the dish.
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Old 04-24-05, 04:58 PM   #5
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Well I just tried that and either he wasnt hungry or he just really doesnt like being out of his home, cause anytime i put him into his carrying terrarium, he doesnt move at all, either its the tempature change or just being wierd. Ill try again in the morning, or later tonight see if he doesnt something. Or I'll just put one of the bigger crickets into his terrarium.

One more thing.....Is it true that you shouldnt feed it anything bigger than the distance across half of his head....I read that somewhere and was wondering if that was true. And then they said that if it is too big it ccould cause blockage in his digestive tract.
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Old 04-24-05, 05:04 PM   #6
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yup, that's a general rule of thumb for feeding. Or pretty close the same thing is bugs no bigger than the space between their eyes!
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Old 04-24-05, 05:29 PM   #7
Join Date: Apr-2005
Posts: 7
oops....I fed him like 4 crickets so far since i bought him, and they were almost adult crickets...and They didnt tell me when i bought him how old he was, or if he....was male or female. He is about..41/2"-6 inches or so. How old would you say he is? And how can I tell if its male or female. And judging by the age, how often should I feed him/her?
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