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Old 04-11-05, 09:59 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb-2005
Location: Sticks outside Edmonton
Age: 47
Posts: 60
Unhappy Golden Gecko in Pet Store

theres this golden gecko in the pet store here
hes on calci sand humidity,dirty tank
this is a small town pet shop so they only get one or 2 lizards in at a time
leos and water dragons...they had a beardie
but this lil guy had sat n sat
i dont think hes the type anyone wants
cept me
and i know buying from pet stores only makes em get more but i figure he'll be that last golden gecko they get
the ppl are nice there and i can get them to change their gecko tanks
but i still dont think this lil guy will be sold
i saw him eat and hes very active and has a nice golden color, he is missing a toe possibly burnt off by the hot rock
his belly is fat so i figure hes either impacted or just well fed
so ive rambled enuff
what do u all think? and are there any good care sheets for golden geckos?
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Old 04-11-05, 10:06 PM   #2
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maybe you should just see if theyll change the tank.... to tell you the truth.. i have 5 herps and 4 were purchased at a pet store... its a major store and i know a few ppl that work there so there were all healthy i just perfer to buy from a breeder now...and i got a good deal on all of them... im not saying to go out and buy it but if they seem responsible about there animals ie. not haveing to many to sell... and you can talk to the manager and ask them to not bring any more of that kind in i dont see a huge problem...
enough animals. finally lowerd my herp collect to 40
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Old 04-17-05, 07:41 PM   #3
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Yep, I think you should talk to them about the tank first and if things don't change, then consider buying the little one. I bought both of my beardies from a small pet store and they weren't being taken care of at all the way they were supposed to even after many complaints from other people had been placed to Animal Services. Now, they are so healthy and happy.. And it just makes me feel a lot better to know that I made a difference in these little creatures lives. But, if things don't change.. maybe you should place a call into someone who can go in and see for themselves that the reptiles don't have the proper supplies that they need in order to live a happy, healthy life. Goodluck!!
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Old 04-22-05, 10:10 AM   #4
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i had the same prob with my tokay cept the only thing i knew was it needed humidity and theyre evil little creatures
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