baby snapper
i have a young snapping turtle, has about a 3 inch shell. very healthy and every thing but i no longer want him. i was going to sell him but i am quite atached to him and would worry my butt off about who took him. would he servive in the wild if i let him go? its definetly warm enough here for him to do good i'm just worried because people say you can't let things go back into the wild.
0.0.1 tentacled snake, 0.1 brazilian rainbow boa, 0.0.1 black blood python, 1.0 jampea reticulated python, 1.1 yellow anacondas, 1.1 emerald tree boas, 3.1 BCIs, 1.1 ball pythons, 1.0 tiger salamander, 1.1 african giant millipedes, 0.0.2 cockatiels, 2.1 ferrets, 3.0 pet rats, some fish and more