I'm not sure a rubbermaid rack system will let you get much enjoyment out of your animals. Inverts tend to scram when disturbed. So everytime you pull out a box, or open a lid, the animal has run away. And you see nothing.
I am partial to all clear acrylic containers. Here is the baby rack for my inverts. The shelves are narrow, and numerous. I can sit in front of here, and see all my animals at once, without disturbing any. If one of them is doing something interesting, I get to see it!
The containers pictured are hockey card cases, Ferrero Rocher candy boxes, model car cases(bottom) and doll cases(top).
the model car cases come in one larger size, and I use those for the next size up animal. Once grown, all my tarantulas and scorpions go into 5 gallon aquariums.
Uh....except Courtney, the female goliath bird eater....she's in a 20 gallon short aquarium, and she makes it look too small....
Here's the pic.
<IMG SRC="http://varanid.mvd2.com/Files/Dragoon/archnorack2.jpg">