Firstly, heres a few pics from a trip to Hyde County North Carolina, fall 00.
This right here my freinds is the reason we go to NC! This is the imfamous Red Pygmy Rattlesnake, found only in 2 or 3 counties of Eastern NC! These are mearly a phase of the normal Carolina Pygmy's but I belive some work is being done to figure out weather the phase has been isolated long enough to warrent sub sp status. Too my knowledge they do not intergrade with the nominate phase, makeing them very isolated.
BTW, this was a small adult found on the second day of our trip.
Heres the second red pig we found on our venture, on the last road we checked before leaving to come home on the last day!. Much darker and larger then the latter but beautiful none the less! Wow, what a weekend too look back on!(red pigs are rare as all hell and these were the first and only 2 I have evere seen in the wild)
Secondly, here are a few pics from a trip this yr to South Central NC(The hood!:-)
This is a copperhead we found under some tin, near Wilmington NC. It was in the sixties when we found this guy and he was acting as if it were 100!! That damn copper spazed out everywhere like crazy! Ive never met one so nutty before. Anyway, this is very typical appearence of copperheads in NC. The whole state is in A.c.contortrix/A.c.mokasen intergrade range and this specimen shows signs of both ssp.
These two guys were found under the same peice of plywood, sitting on either side of a huge cotton constructed rodent nest, just south of Wilmington NC. I love this picture for it shows the differences between specimens, even within the same local. The lower one pictured is typical Northern Copperhead coloration with truthfully more Southern looking markings and the one on top is very light like a Southern yet has the banding of a Northern!! Pretty cool if ya ask me!
Welp, just felt like shareing some of my most memorible experinces in the feild. I hope you enjoy!
All the best,