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Old 12-23-04, 02:32 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun-2004
Location: Vancouver Island Bc
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mites and ticks

I visited a local pet store and noticed there are mites and/or ticks on the iggys. I told them about it and they asked me how to handle the situation. they dont sell any products to deal with ticks and / or mites and I have never personally had a mite / tick prob with my animals. I told them I would get back to them and see what I could find. Its kinda a learning experience for me to.

When I inspected their older iguana for sale the parasites were bright red and black specs. I only know they were there because I caught them moving around. I have heard there is a huge difference between mites and ticks so I don't know which one I should be looking into treating. The parasites were mostly located around the ears, eyes, top of the head, and around the base of the arms and legs

any resources, ideas, or tips would be appreciated
in the meantime I am going to browse the internet
thanksf or any help
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Old 12-23-04, 02:38 PM   #2
Join Date: Jun-2004
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I have seen reference to nyx as a treatment.. what exactly is this product and where would I find it ?
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Old 12-23-04, 02:50 PM   #3
Join Date: Jul-2002
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Go to the General forum and at the bottom in the search filed type in "nix".
FYI, if you start trying to help the pet store clean up their animals you run the risk of infecting your own collection. Don't bother with the sales people. Take the info in and give it directly to the manager. Pet store clerks are only as good as their training which comes from their managers. Most pet shop employees look at what they do as a means to a pay check so don't be surprised if you encounter some resistence. Clean up their animals means more work then they already have. The last thing they want is more work to do when they are working for less then $6 an hour anyway.
Good luck,
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Old 12-23-04, 03:53 PM   #4
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i would agree with that pov with most pet stores. the only reason why I am helping this one is because its a plany nurersy / pet store. The boss is a plant man and really isn't interested in investing more then needed in the pet section HOWEVER one of the seinor employees is very dedicated to the animals and is constantly pushing for improving their well being and habitats. It is her that I am helping out and together we are trying to find ways to improve the life of these animals and pressuring the owner to invest more. Between the two of us we have already done quite a bit. I don't condone or support his business but I am helping this particular employee trying the best she can to improve the quality of life. In addition, as new employees arrive she is passing this info onto them and in the last months I have seen gradual improvment.
She asked me to take the iggy with the mites and mbd but I told her that at this point I am not taking any animals home with infestations to protect my own pets.
some of the sites says nyx isn't good for lizards. I read somewhere else just to use dishsoap and water
any comments?
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Old 12-23-04, 04:00 PM   #5
Join Date: Jul-2002
Posts: 4,768
Soap doesn't kill mites. You need to treat the cage and animal. The best way to do that is with a spray on treatment. Nix is a poison and of course if not used properly will harm any herp.
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