Don't pitch the egg unless it starts to stink. Hard shelled eggs don't collapse like soft shelled eggs do, so it's hard to tell if the egg is dead. If the embryo dies, it starts to decompose, releasing some gasses inside the shell. WIth hard shelled eggs, the pressure can cause them to explode (not a good thing if it happens when your nose is right there, believe me). If that drop of fluid has sealed the hole, it might just be good enough to allow the embryo to develop. I've had a few like that, even soft shelled eggs.
If you can remove the mold without disturbing the egg, you could try it, but it might be tricky. Try easing it away with a toothpick or some such thing. The white hairy mold usually tends to stay in a lump, so you could roll it away somewhat like a snowball, picking up more mold along the way. If it looks too tricky to work it away around the eggs, I'd leave it. Healthy eggs have a natural protection against mold and fungus, chances are it won't hurt to leave it.