well if its a piebald obviously atleast a few grand but if its a het possibly 1500, 2000 for a pair, but as I've said this will be a few months down the road nothing spur of the moment, and might decide to start out with something a little less expensive to see how things go. I'm sure they'll be fine but I started out years ago which a 50 dollar lizard then moved my way up as I got more experieced, no reason I shouldn't really do the same with a snake, but they are beauties,and I have always wanted a ball.
1.3 het ghost bps, 4.12.3 leos, 1.0 Tokay Gecko, 1.0 BCI, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, Emp. Scorpion,Red Bellied Piranha,Austrailian Cattle dog