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Old 11-01-04, 12:25 AM   #1
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Guinea Pig vs Rats??????

On one of my last feeder orders, I ordered one bag (10) guinea pigs instead of rats. Tonight was the first attempt at feeding a gp to my columbian boa, and he took it no problems.

Just wondering if there are any pros or cons to feeding guinea pigs instead of rats?

Thanks for the info.

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Old 11-01-04, 01:33 AM   #2
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Guinea pigs are nothing but fat. I've also heard of boas becoming "addicted" to pigs, and refusing anything else. Gram for Gram, rats are WAY better for boas.
- Ken LePage
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Old 11-01-04, 02:36 AM   #3
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They also have alot more hair, so I would imagine they would harder for the snake to digest. I dont think you should use them unless you have to. I can't think of any pros for feeding guniea pigs, all cons. Take care.

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Old 11-01-04, 10:38 AM   #4
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Like Dan said, I can't really see any nutritional pro to use guinea pigs as a regular part of a boa's diet. I wouldn't think they have much more hair, except in the long-haired variety perhaps. Some hair is good though IMOE. When feeding rodents that have little or no hair, such as pinkies, I find the snake's poop to become fairly loose. If you are looking to feed prey items that are larger than rats, definitely go for rabbits. They actually have a little less fat and more muscle and bone than rats do.
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Old 11-01-04, 10:57 AM   #5
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I dont know about you guys.. but I prefer a varied diet...

Rats, Pigs, Rabits, etc...

I mean ithey dont just eat rats in the wild...

No question about it... rats are better than pigs... but why not throw a pig in every once in a while to mix things up... so long as yer snake is a good feeder... why not
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Old 11-01-04, 11:47 AM   #6
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Snakes are specific feeders, they don't have the varied diet you would in a mixed diet, such as omnivores or herbivores. True they don't eat just one thing in the wild, but we don't supply the same food items or conditions as the wild either. As a result, they will often get hooked on specific prey items, and often those items may be the less nutritious choice. Variety isn't a necessity for captive animals that are relatively specific feeders anyways.

Of course there is no harm if you snake is a garbage can to offer a variety, but it may be by offering a variety that you find out your snake isn't such a garbage can after all
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Old 11-01-04, 11:50 AM   #7
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If it's about live feeding, anything beats rats. Pigs will not bite, rats will.
Feeding dead items, well, i'm not a nutrition expert so i will not play one. Rats COULD be a better food source, or again not.
Bottom line, don't sweat it. Us humans almost never take the time to check the garbage we eat ourselves, hehe...
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Old 11-01-04, 11:54 AM   #8
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Thanks for the input everyone. I'm not looking for a replacement food instead of rats. I just have a bag of 10 guuinea pigs (well 9 now) and was just curious as to everyones thoughts. I'll vary it though. Maybe feed 1 gp a month until the bag is gone.

My wife prefers rats as well. When I took the gp out of the freezer last night, she wasn't to pleased....she thought it looked more like a pet than good food for my snakes. lol
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Old 11-01-04, 12:41 PM   #9
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JimmyDavid, your first statement is SO wrong, I can't even begin to describe it. Guinea pigs are WAY more vicious than rats, not to mention a lot stronger and with much bigger teeth. When the snake is killing them, they also fight back harder. I saw a snake in a pet store here, a big 6 foot boa who was given a live guinea pig, and he was MANGLED. We're talking scars 7 or 8 inches in length, and injuries that left the snake with exposed bone. Please do not say that pigs won't bite.
- Ken LePage
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Old 11-01-04, 12:45 PM   #10
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Originally posted by Invictus
JimmyDavid, your first statement is SO wrong, I can't even begin to describe it. Guinea pigs are WAY more vicious than rats, not to mention a lot stronger and with much bigger teeth. When the snake is killing them, they also fight back harder. I saw a snake in a pet store here, a big 6 foot boa who was given a live guinea pig, and he was MANGLED. We're talking scars 7 or 8 inches in length, and injuries that left the snake with exposed bone. Please do not say that pigs won't bite.
Agreed. And whether or not it is 'vicious' or not is pretty much irrelevant when it finds itself in the coils of a snake. If it has a mouth then it CAN and WILL bite, even if it's a last resort.
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Old 11-01-04, 12:55 PM   #11
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I'm not saying it can't happen, but i never
saw any agressiveness from the pigs i have. The poor creatures are so docile and never bite. I guess i've been lucky with gp's.
Nevertheless i'll say a rat is more vicious in general. Invictus, i've been in your corner through most of these forum debates so far, but this time we really found a subject where we disagree.
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Old 11-01-04, 05:34 PM   #12
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I have had a few people over the years tell me they had a snake killed or badly mangled by gps.
IMO you are giving seriously bad Information.

Just because you have been lucky doesnt mean it wont happen.
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Old 11-01-04, 05:41 PM   #13
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To answer the post!
The biggest problem with feeding gp,s is finding them(they dont reproduce as fast and not as profitable to raise.

I have kept a number of columbians over the years and never had one get hooked on them or anything else for that matter.
And i would feed just about anything i could find for free in the classifieds.

But i an in no way trying to say that it cant happen
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Old 11-07-04, 12:44 PM   #14
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i gave my retic gp because i got a good price on them. i went through about 20 of them and know she is hooked. she refuses to take rats and rabbits.
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Old 11-07-04, 01:37 PM   #15
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I believe rats are a better choice simply because they are tried and tested. I am not sure how many people have raised a few generations on guinea pigs, although I am sure it might be possible.

As for biting. Guinea pigs DO bite! And HARD! They are not all friendly, and I have had quite a few nip pieces of finger and definitly draw blood.

Anything with teeth, that knows its about to die, is a danger to a snake.

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