A Question: Concerning my aquarium/enclosure. Should I 'block off', oh say, half of this 10 gal. aqarium inorder to make my BCI feel more secure? The snake is only 18" long and seems literally swallowed by the tank at this point. Also, I have one 'half log' for her to hide in and she's there nearly all of the time. Should I add more hiding spots?
Rev. Mark
0.0.? Marine Aquarium - Lots-O-Stuff
0.1.0 BCI - 'Morrigan'
1.2.0 Betas - 'Spunky', 'Drunky', & 'Sue'
1.0.0 Lab - 'Buck' (rescued)
0.1.0 Shepherd Mix - 'Freya' (rescued)
1.1.0 Shih Tzus - 'Max' & 'Ruby'
0.2.0 Cats - 'Inanna' & 'Karma' (rescued - both)
3.3.0 Kids - 'Clancy', 'Kelli', 'Jake', 'Sarah', 'Jack' & 'Anthony'- the twins.
On Dog River[