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Old 10-16-04, 03:05 AM   #1
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Angry Argh...Rant

Does anyone else have this problem? You have company over. They know you have reptiles. You tell them repeatedly over the course of 3 months that they are not to touch any animals unless I take the animal out and let them touch it. They don't listen and handle them when you are busy on the phone (or whatever).

The other day, a neighbor came over, and without me knowing (I thought she was in the can ), opened up the new boa's cage, and left it open.

Hubby noticed about 5 hours later that it was open, and thankfully she had stayed in her hide. But, we have small cats, and I would have been very upset if anything had happened to them.

She denies that she opened the cage (yeah, right), meanwhile she is bragging to everyone that she has held her and that it's "no problem" to handle a big snake.

So anyways, this person is no longer allowed in my home, plus we have a deadbolt lock on the door, so no one can get in unless we let them

It really bothers me that people don't seem to care what your rules are. I emailed all the herp people that I know personally, and explained the situation (I usually invite experienced people to occasionally handle my animals), and thankfully have had a great response.

I am still fuming though. Argh...such a waste of energy

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Old 10-16-04, 03:15 AM   #2
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Yeah, that's right up there with the dumbass who taps every panel of glass in the pet store solely to see the lizards jump.
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Old 10-16-04, 04:11 AM   #3
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Get new friends. It doesn't matter if its snakes or if its jewelry or whatever. If they don't respect your property, then how good of a friend are they?
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Old 10-16-04, 10:43 AM   #4
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Herpers need to be very careful who they have over.. everyone is a potential liability.
You especially shouldn't let neighbours know you have snakes let alone bring them in. Yikes
You know if she got bit, she could have sued you even know it was your home. It's the same as someone slipping in your hall
The other thing is if she's a blabber mouth everyone in your community will know about your hobby and you can bet not all will be thrilled, and it could only be a matter of time before someone calls animal control to complain. I hope you're boa isn't against the bylaw, as they are in many place.
My first four tough love rules about survival as a herper involve keeping things shut:
1. mouth
2. the front door
3. the herp room
4. cages
Uncle Roy
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Old 10-16-04, 11:24 AM   #5
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Lol Roy, how true. No, none of the herps I have are against bylaw.

And no, we don't have company regularly. This person slipped into that room without me knowing.

But on another note, I can't stop having a life because of these animals. Not to say that I don't have to be responsible (believe me, the first thing I yelled about was the fact that I could have been sued had she been bit). But we are much more choosey who comes over, and because of this one incident, the door has a dead bolt lock, so the only people with a key are hubby and myself.

Not even close friends are allowed into that room, which has a notice on it, and (again) the lock.

It was just very frustrating, as Jeff said, to have people not respect your things, regardless of what they are.

Thanks for the ideas people! I appreciate it, and also glad (in a way) that I am not the only one who is sick of people like that.

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Old 10-16-04, 03:00 PM   #6
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I hate uneducated people that come in your herp room to find snakes in rubbermaids and think its cruel. They also assume that a baby snake in a small tub is like keeping them in jail and one person I had over even asked why I used newspaper as a substrate and stated I obviously didnt have money to care for my herps because of that...

Newspaper to me is the best substrate because its free, easy to change and overall ease of use. I also use aspen and cypress for my colubrids. Rubbermaid tubs are the best thing for smaller snakes IMO. Everyone already knows the advantages of tubs over aquariums so I wont go there but it bugs me to see people who know nothing of the hobby to comment on my husandry methods. Like i'm really gonna put a BRB in a aquarium...
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Old 10-16-04, 03:21 PM   #7
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I tend too keep my hobby too myself, I have a few friends who know about my collection (they know I have reptiles that’s about all) and a few that have actually seen it. It's kept behind closed doors too all others. I don't lock the door but I haven’t yet had any problems with people anyone wanting too go see them without me.

I just think its safer that way, there are too many people out there who don’t know anything about reptiles and it only takes one loud mouth to cause problems.

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Old 10-16-04, 06:54 PM   #8
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If I wasn't a teacher and the students didn't know I would follow Roy's rules for sure.
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Old 10-16-04, 07:47 PM   #9
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Well lots of people know I have snakes. I have a 7 year old daughter who got me into this hobby and I cant rightly tell her not to open her mouth about it like its some dirty little secret. all her little friend come over to see them and I have yet to here a complaint from a parent. The snakes go in to school for show and tell sessions once a year. This year one of the classes maybe incubating some corn eggs If I can get them to go early enough.

I do keep my snake room locked. Cornsnakes only for handling they can only touch the other snakes while they are under my control. My larger snakes have locks on thier cages.

To each thier own
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Old 10-17-04, 11:12 PM   #10
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I have lived in municipalities that have exotic pet laws and learned the don't ask don't tell herp rule. I have had veritable mini-zoos and no one was the wiser.
I have never had anyone messing with my herps without me present but fortunately I have shown people my animals and they actually got to like them and ask about them all the time. I didn't become known as the snakeman in my circle of acquaintances by having a rare skin condition lol .
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Old 10-17-04, 11:28 PM   #11
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I know what you mean about people with no respect. I have a small house, and the living room is the only space for my animals. My brother will have a party and all his buddies come over, and just reach in and start handling all the snakes, after I have repeatedly told them not to unless I take the snake out. The last thing I need is a bunch of drunks handling the snakes, who even sober dont know about snake handling.
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Old 10-17-04, 11:29 PM   #12
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Yea TK, that's a pain in the arse. Fortunately, I haven't had anyone touch my snakes without me knowing. I do have this feeling in my stomach that my sister takes out my cornsnake when I'm not home but that's alright as long as she closes the lid! And leaves everything else alone since placement of rubbermaids on my shelf is crucial to the temps in which my snakes are exposed to.
I myself do show lots of my friends and such my collection. I would like to interest one of them cause most don't see why I enjoy keeping them. I do find most 20 year old Calgarians to be quite immature for the most part however so that could be why, still in the pick-up-bar phase of their lives. I think most really enjoy my geckos but aren't to impressed with the snakes. As for the neighbors, let's just say I sneak stuff into my apartment at 3 in the morning.

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Old 10-18-04, 12:45 PM   #13
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It's deffinately something to learn from...we don't have many people who visit, but this has caused us to cut it down to less than 4 people. It's sad in a way, but also good that it means less chance of problems.

"I'm Somebody's Fetish"
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