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Old 10-04-04, 12:58 PM   #1
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what would you do??

I'm in such a terrible position and hate to bring up another dog issue but I would like to see what others think about this and how you would handle it.......

I have two jobs --- I work at a library and then I work for a family in the town where I live.... The father of this family is dying of a brain tumor and has lived with it for 10 years now. There are two kids : boy-14, girl-11. The mother and kids decided last year that they needed a puppy (a golden retreiver)---the father was very much against it due to his health. Well, the puppy is now 1 1/2 and is left by herself 98% of the day tied in the backyard. She's very destructive and wild because she's been neglected.

I go over twice a week to help out and take the dog on runs in the woods with my dog. She as a wonderful spirit and loves to swim/run.

Other people have tried to convince the mother to have the dog fostered out for the time being because Dan (the father) is dying and has maybe a few months (if even that)to live ---the son agreed to it but the mother won't let anyone talk to the daughter.

I asked the mother about it and she said that she won't consider fostering the dog out because she "just can't do that to the kids" ---makes me ill because the kids fight over who's going to take the dog on walks up the street and back! They DON'T pay any attention to her. She's left outside in the full sun with no water for long periods of time amd then gets herself tangled up around everything.

The mother also stated that "the family is not getting everything they need right now and suffering, so will the dog" ...I was appalled and wanted to quit my job right then and there.

Am I wrong? I've been so stressed about this becasue I can't just sit and watch a dog suffer from neglect. These people have no idea what a dog needs.

It's so sad and it breaks my heart....
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Old 10-04-04, 01:07 PM   #2
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I would try talking to her again, and she refuses to let the dog get fostered out, then tell her you have no choice but to phone animal welfare on her. See what she has to say to that. I know you might possibly lose your job, and have her dislike you or whatever, but this dog needs help, and it sounds like you are the only one that could help it as these people dont seem like they want to.

Or you could always take the dog on your normal walk, and just get the dogh out of there, and not take it back, say it ran away.
I know its not the right thing to do, but if it has to be done for the dogs sake, it has to be done...
[10:12pm]«@ [Matt]» he's all up in there like swimwear.
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Old 10-04-04, 01:08 PM   #3
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I'd research some of the shelters in your area associated with the city, find one with a "No Kill" policy and then inform them of the problem. The will take the dog and adopt it out to someone else. I'd say also mention to the shelter that, if you are up for it, you would like to adopt the dog and then contact any of your local pet rescues and see if they have a foster hom avilable for the dog, if not possibly foster it for yourself. But if you don't feel like fostering or taking on that burden, I would defenitly call a shelter of some kind to go in and take the dog away from the family because they arn't doing that dog any favors and atleast in a shelter or a resuce it would have a chance at finding a happy home.
Adam Becker

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Old 10-04-04, 01:56 PM   #4
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The thing is--there is a family who are willing to adopt her out. They have lots of land and another dog for her to play with.

When I talked to the mother last she gave me an evhol look like she was saying---discussion closed.
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Old 10-04-04, 02:15 PM   #5
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Its not fair for any dog to live like that. Dogs are my life. I live with 8 of them and they all run my house. They are treated as if they are my kids. If I go on a trip....they ALL come with. It sickens me to hear of things like this. I once met a lady and was aquaintances with her for about a year. One night my phone rang and she asked me to come over because her dog was in labor. I didn't even know she had a dog. I went over there to help her and found this dog panting frantically, in a concrete basement with feces all over the floor, with no blankets to have her puppies on, no water, no food, and worst of all I found out this sickly skinny, pregnant, black lab X was a puppy herself. She was only 8 months old. A week later the lady asked me to look after her dog so she could go to the town she was moving to to look for a house. The day she left I went over and got the dog and her puppies and took them to the shelter. This lady was quite mad at me for giving away her dog and she said that she was going to go to the shelter and get her dog back. I told her that if she stepped foot in that shelter to get her dog back she would be charged with animal neglect. I explained to her that what she was doing to that dog was extremely wrong and that breeding her at 6 months of age just so she could have cute little puppies in the house was completely awful. She finally understood where I was coming from and said that I was right. We arent friends anymore but we don't hate each other.

Try telling this lady that, IF, you are willing to, that you will look after her dog for a while. But honestly, even fostering out to eventually give it back, will do no good. If they are doing this to this dog now, they will probably never, ever change. Good luck with this and I hope everything works out for you.......and that dog. I know its hard to be stuck between a rock and a hard place but you have to do the right thing for an animal that can't do the right thing for itself. I'm sure if he wasnt chained in their yard he would likely run away.

Also you could just call the shelter, tell them what is going on and they will go and check it out. They can't give your name to the lady so she will have her dog taken away and she will never know that you did it.
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Old 10-04-04, 02:17 PM   #6
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As much as it sucks, it's HER dog...

Their family seems to be going through some really rough times right now, and while dogs are huge commitments, their thoughts just aren't available for the family dog at the moment. Don't make it worse by trying to take their pet away from them. Help out by taking the dog for walks when you can. If you know it's outside in the sun without water, bring it some water...etc.
Heather Rose
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Old 10-04-04, 02:28 PM   #7
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that's exactly what I've been doing HeatherRose.... I know it's her dog, believe me. And I know they are going through a very difficult time. I feel totally commited to this animal now and feel like I've taken on responsibility for her.

The mother (Abi) has taken the year off to help her husband through this transition. She's home a lot and when I'm there she considers it her "day off".... I used to take the dog on two walks when I worked a day now Dan (the father) has become so weak that he doesn't get out of bed anymore so I cannot leave him alone. He wants someone by-his-side at all times. Abi usually hangs around the house or will go out shopping and leave the dog outside to bark all afternoon. She never takes her out for a simple walk. It drives me insane!
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Old 10-04-04, 02:39 PM   #8
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I would call the Animal control. Who cares if it is her pet, people have children that should never have them too and if they are mistreating them they don't deserve to have them. The simple fact that she got the dog and made the statement that since they were suffering so would the dog is disgusting!! The woman should not have animals. The dog is stuck on a chain but you aren't, help those that cannot help themselves.
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Old 10-04-04, 02:42 PM   #9
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If the dog is left outside at night, and you really want to help, go and take it.

You would be doing a great justice to the dog by giving it proper living conditions.

Save the negative comments that I know will come from this post, but sometimes you have to do what you have to's what I would do.

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Old 10-04-04, 05:12 PM   #10
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"It's her dog.........their thoughts aren't with the dog.......don't make it worse by taking their pet away"

That is the absolute most stupid thing I have ever heard. I wouldn't give a sh*t whose dog it was or what those people are going through......WHAT ABOUT THE DOG!!!!!!!! Obviously they don't care that much about their pet. That dog is being neglected! Yes, I do sympathize with the family, but if they want an animal they'd better take care of it. I've been through hard times too. Thats never a reason to neglect your pet. If you have a pet, that pet becomes part of your family!!!! Your telling me that if one of your family members got sick, that you would just "FORGET" about the other ones??? Give me a break. An animal has every right for love and attention as a person does. Would you leave your child tied in the back yard for days on end with no food or water??? I DONT THINK SO!!!!

Jesus, give me their address and I'll make the phone call!
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Old 10-04-04, 05:21 PM   #11
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As twisted as it is, I agree with lady luck. If the dog isnt starving and has its shots and isnt running loose, chances are animal control will leave it right where it is. Your best bet to actually help the dog is for the dog to conveniently "escape." If you want to make it really convincing, bring your own collar and leash, and leave the dogs collar there still tied to the chain, to make it look as though the dog just got loose. Just make sure that wherever the dog ends up isnt somewhere she would be around. If the dog knows you, whisper to the dog when you go so it wont bark like crazy. Dont get caught

Best of luck, its a tough position you are in.

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Old 10-04-04, 05:24 PM   #12
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If the dog is without food or water and animal control finds it like that.......yes they will take. Or at least talk to the owners.
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Old 10-04-04, 05:27 PM   #13
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Originally posted by HeatherRose
As much as it sucks, it's HER dog...

Their family seems to be going through some really rough times right now, and while dogs are huge commitments, their thoughts just aren't available for the family dog at the moment. Don't make it worse by trying to take their pet away from them. Help out by taking the dog for walks when you can. If you know it's outside in the sun without water, bring it some water...etc.
There are 3 basics needs that must be met as defined by the OSPCA. Food, Shelter and Water, these are the needs that any animal needs to live. If someone takes the responsiblity of owning a dog and they do not provide these needs then are criminally negelecting their animal and can be charged. So it's not about "It's there dog", they arn't even meeting the basic needs of these animal and are being criminal in their actions. It sucks what is going on in their life but it doesn't excuse what they are doing. I personally think you should call the OSPCA and have them charged.
Adam Becker

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Last edited by Vengeance; 10-04-04 at 05:32 PM..
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Old 10-04-04, 05:33 PM   #14
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Gotta agree, call animal control. Then if the dog is in fact taken away, he'll have a few days up for adoption likely. Notify that new interested family of where he is and tell them to go get him.

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Old 10-04-04, 05:45 PM   #15
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I would just take him.

Go over late at night, cut and fray the rope. Walk away. Or arrange for someone else to do it at a time when no one is home. That's what I would do anyways. Animal control will only do so much sometimes.

Even if the dogs "basic" needs of food, water and shelter are being provided, and they cannot do anything, the dog coudl still be being abused by being ignored.

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