Not only that, but i dont know if the heat lamp will be sufficient to heat up the mouse. I reccommend microwaving a coffee cup of water until its good and hot, putting the frozen rat in a plastic baf and then down in the water, and letting it sit for a couple of minutes. After you take it out, touch it through the bag with your fingers to make sure its not TOO hot, but you will want to get it pretty darn warm to make them interested, as they have groovy snake heat vision via the little pits along the top of their mouth.
Also, definitely give it time to settle in. 2 weeks is not too much time, and gives them time to both settle in and work up and appetite. Avoid handling during the settle in period, too, unless you HAVE to, to treat mites or something like that.
Best of Luck-
1.0.0 Ball Python Omega
1.0.0 Amel Corn Bob Dylan