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08-30-04, 05:42 PM
Former Moderator no longer active
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Location: Christchurch
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Originally posted by V.hb
Just out of curiousity Marissa, where does your information come from regarding lab bites and pit attacks?
All dogs can become monsters, of course. But pits were bred for aggressive nature, making them more prone to be monsters in the wrong hands..
Actually I forget where I read it, but apparently lab bites are in the top three reported bites, as well as there is some sort of thing involving home owners/liability with them, and I'm sure there are many more that go unreported, due to their popularity and likely lessly serious bite. Some dogs have a harder bite than others, which means their bteis are likely to be preorted over the others.
That asides, while pits are bred for aggression towards other dogs, they are bred for their loyalty towards people. They weren't bred to fight people.
08-30-04, 09:58 PM
Former Moderator no longer active
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Originally posted by V.hb
btw linds, i think its quite difficult to label a lab as being more prone to bite than a pit. Think about it, people buy labs for kids, kids do stupid things to dogs and get bit, nothing to do with the temperment of the dog, its called driving the dog mad. Once again, the owner isnt taking proper precautions..
I never said a lab was more prone to bite than a pit, I said the breed alone is likely to be responsible for a larger number of bites (not necessarily reported). There are probably more labs in the general population since they are labelled a 'family dog', and yes, kids are always pulling tails and doing things to provoke them. I also said I believe that a lower percentage of lab bites would be reported than pits, due to the severity of the bite, as well as their unfortunate reputation.
08-30-04, 05:42 PM
Join Date: Mar-2002
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I own and breed bandogges, and with anyone that has ever been to my home, my dogs are all big pussy cats, pitts, and pitt x neo mastiffs. They have ALL been raised with human contact and no corporal punishment. They respect that and return the kindness and gentleness that we give them. There are only bad dog owners, not bad dogs. Any breed of dog can be a bad dog, pitts just have the capability of making it known more so than other breeds.
08-30-04, 10:30 PM
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these are two of my babies...........pitt x neo and pure pit...
These two have been raised with children and tiny kittens. I know that if someone were ever to come into my home unexpected, they would never come out un scaved. Friends of ours can come and go as pleased. It truly is the owner that relects the dogs temperment. You mess with ANY dog regardless of breed or size, you are creating a ticking time bomb.
09-01-04, 08:07 AM
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Posts: 5,936
Amazing point Lisa Marie....with all the talk of increasing numbers of dog attacking humans, its amazing more people don't think about the fact the reverse of those statistics are HUGE. MILLIONS of dogs are beaten, fought, abused and tortured.
And people wonder why some bite, then, want to ban them or kill the breed for it.
09-01-04, 12:59 PM
Join Date: Mar-2002
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"I also think its incredibly naive to continuosly compare pits to other dogs. A normal dog will give a minute bite (lab etc) and in very rare cases, a mauling. Pitbuls almost always maim who they attack given the oprotunity to "
Yes this is a good point but at the same time, there are many other breeds that do this. My Jack Russell behaves very similar to a pit bull when she is attacking something.
One time a small rabbit made the mistake of jumping into our yard, my Jack got this rabbit and after breaking its neck and "gutting" most of it, (mauling) I saw what was going on and went to get the rest of the rabbit away from her. Let me tell you, I could have literally SWUNG her from this leftover rabbit body...she REFUSED to let go....eventually I had me holding her back end, and my roomate forcefully trying to open her mouth. No go. Finally she realized it was more trouble than it was worth, and droped it......an HOUR later.
It's not just pit bulls who refuse to let go, and maul. It's small terrier breeds as well. And like I mentioned before, even though my dog is small, she can be excitable and nip. People ignore what I say and pet her anyways on the street because they think "oh so small and cute!" but she can MOST CERTAINTLY do some damage to a human if she got ahold of a leg or hand.
And also like I said before, I really don't feel there is any solution to this problem aside from making EVERY single dog owner get a PROPER education and license before purchasing ANY dog. If you are stopped while walking your dog and do not have your license on you, you are fined. Period.
09-01-04, 02:28 PM
Join Date: Mar-2002
Posts: 5,936
Microchipping RULES!
I have ALL my furry pets in the house chipped. My Jack Russell, and our three cats. This way, if anything should happen they will ALWAYS know these animals belong to me. It's something I think should be mandatory. The BEST part about chipping is you can go online and update/change your dogs information. I had an older dog chipped, and on his online "profile" which you could access with his chip number, I was able to write that he was very old,blind and deaf with a tenedency to get lost.
If anyone lives near my area, I have the name/number of an EXCELLENT dog/cat vet who is EXTREMELY well priced, and best of all, a walk-in clinic so no apointment needed.
08-30-04, 04:54 PM
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What they should license is ANYONE who wants to own a dog.
ANY dog can become a monster, and attack someone. Not just pits. But the general public likes to rid itself of anything they think is the problem, except themselves. The owners are as much to blame in ANY dog attack as a dog is.
Pit bulls have passed temperment tests as much or more often than so called "friendly" breeds. But low and behold, you never hear about a lab bite even though many many do in fact happen.
08-30-04, 07:12 PM
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My stats on that came from the same thing matt posted. The website is one he showed me awhile ago and it was REALLY interesting.
I have almost the opposite problem with my dog. Because people refuse to get in their heads that all dogs, regardless of size or looks CAN bite....they often approach my small Jack Russell without even asking. She is friendly, but on a whole the breed is excitable, extremely loyal and sometimes over protective, big dog in little body syndrom, and she can nip because of this at times. I don't feel safe with young children running and screaming near here, or being rough, or even approaching her without asking. But because I have a small breed, people do it ALL the time!
It's sad really. People generalize to both extremes, constantly.
08-31-04, 12:56 PM
Join Date: Mar-2002
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"Isn't one person enough? We all say, "Well pitbulls aren't the only ones that do it." Well does that mean all dogs larger than this particular size should be banned as well?"
Or how about we put airbag on tips of pencils so no one accidently pokes their eye out???
I mean when will it end? One day we will all be living in individual bubble compartments so no one can ever ever get hurt. It's OUT of control. Poeple get hurt, dogs bite, cats bite, snakes get loose, THINGS HAPPEN....the problem is when people stop taking resposibility for their actions and instead want to "hurt proof" the entire world around them.
08-31-04, 01:29 PM
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Yes but banning large dogs will not solve ANY problems. Then you have MILLIONS of large breeds with no homes, taxing on the already STRETCHED humane society....then whats next? banning 4 wheelers because someone got in an accident? Banning booze because some idiot drove home drunk? I will not have my rights taken away from me because a few morons don't know how to raise an dog or take a cab home. That's not fair. But I see where you are coming from.
Basically there is no answer. Dogs will always bite here and there. People will always keep dogs. I for one am not afriad to walk down the street, and at this point pit bulls aren't running around in packs ripping people apart, so I still feel pretty safe.
08-31-04, 01:45 PM
Join Date: Mar-2002
Posts: 5,936
"It's about time people started accepting responsibility for ALL their actions, including owning animals they can't or won't control."
I wish I could afford to get part of this statement on a billboard ALL ACROSS North America....."It's about time people started accepting responsibility for ALL their actions" is a line many MANY people need to memorize.
09-01-04, 03:09 PM
Join Date: Mar-2002
Location: toronto
Posts: 161
$.01 more ....as i will not allow my dog to go near a pit or if i had children i would not allow them to go near 1...i am depriving myself of a favorite pit owners saying...'it's never bitten anyone before' lol
08-31-04, 11:34 AM
Join Date: Mar-2002
Location: toronto
Posts: 161
ok my .02 worth...i have been a dog owner for well over 35 years. as much as i love all dogs the big problem in have seen and noticed and actually made notes over the years is the vast majority of dogs i see in my neighborhood off the leash and running around and not listening to commands from the owner have been pit bulls. not to say there have not been others but it was way too 1 sided. with the pit's owner yelling the most foul things to his/her dog up to including 'just kick it in the head,it's just a pup'. as for licensing who is going to do it+regulate it and how do you enforce this? some way has to be figured out on how to enforced the leash law and dispose of the bad owners.
08-30-04, 04:58 PM
Join Date: Jul-2002
Posts: 4,768
This sort of thing is normally talked about in the GD forum Leon. Remeber man you don't have to reply to everything you read eh.lol Especially the stuff that you think shouldn't be here. Why not just move on to something you think should be here and reply to that. However, there is nothing wrong with this in the GD forum. Now if someone mentions politics in this discussion then we got a problem.lol
As for the question, I don't think they should be banned but I also don't think that just anyone should be allowed to own them. Just like giants and hots. I don't think they should be banned either but I think their ownership should be legislated.
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