I have a 1.5 year old columbian boa. She has always eaten healthy and I've never had a problem. I feed her frozen. About 2 months ago I feed her and she regurged. I was advised that its not completely abnormal. I waited two weeks, fed her again and she ate fine - no problems. Waited two more weeks and she ate fine and no regurge. Well this last time she ate and within 24 hours she regurged. I made a vet appt. at a local vet who specializes in reptiles. She examined her, did an x-ray and came to the conclusion that she has a blockage putting pressure on her intestines. She tried an enema & minerial oil as well as soaking and the results were unproductive. So she conferred with another vet and the conclusion they came to is surgery to remove the blockage. She has started to lose a little weight and is less active so I can see its getting worse. It was only 3 days after she regurged the second mouse that I took her in to the vet. Has anyone has any experience with surgery on their snakes? Advice? Thanks for your time!
Carpe Diem!