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Old 08-19-04, 11:44 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun-2004
Location: Windsor, ON
Age: 40
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darn camera!!!

Ok this totally sucks...
I bought a camera SPECIFICALLY for taking pics of my t's and my stupid camera doesn't take pics that close!!! When I use the flash it goes white and when I don't it goes fuzzy and dark! No detail AT ALL!!! GRRR!!!!!!!!!
Am I just not using it right or does it really just suck?? I know it was pretty cheap (only $100, it's a Centrios) but it's 2.1 mega pixels and I thought that was supposed to be pretty good.

I'm sooo unhappy about this...
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Old 08-20-04, 12:08 AM   #2
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Does it have a macro feature? The flash on cameras are designed for lighting up distances in regular use, but the specs are all different when you get up close. The distances are all different for different types of Cameras. I know for my camera (Canon Powershot A40) when it is in macro mode it should be about 14" from the subject. I don't have the camera you have, but it should specify in the manual whether or not it has a macro feature.
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Old 08-20-04, 12:14 AM   #3
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yeah it does have macro, i read that far and have even tried it, but i still can't get ANY detail, it's still fuzzy and dark or white. and i put it on what i call 'smart flash' mode, where it uses the flash only when it needs it. same thing... i'm downright frustrated. i'm about to flush it down the toilet or something. lol.
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Old 08-20-04, 03:38 AM   #4
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Well, most of the time using macro and flash, the subject gets over-lighted, thus white. I think you need to try to get a good ambient light on and maybe try to use a small tripod (or just hold really really still), cause when the lights arent bright enough, the shutter time changes and any small movement you make, will make the pic blurry.
Thats all i can think off, good luck with it
Greetz Daan
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Old 08-20-04, 08:05 AM   #5
Big Mike
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Linds has it right...the flash on your camera is designed to work at a "regular" distance. So that's probably three to ten feet. Longer or shorter than that and the flash will be too strong or too weak.

Your dark pictures with no flash are blurry because the camera is keeping the shutter open longer to compensate for the lower light levels (as Doenoe said). You can add light by taking it outside or just getting a lamp or two. You will have to check your camera's white balance because lighting with regular household bulbs can cause funny colors if the camera is set wrong.

You could set the camera on timer mode and have it on a tripod (or any support) and let it take the picture without you touching it. This should give a sharp picture as long as the subject does not move.

Another thing you could try is to partially cut back the flash with something like tissue paper.

Also, read the manual and make sure you are not closer than the minimum focus distance for your camera's macro mode. (Always read the manual...front to back) get what you pay for...2.1 MP does not mean squat if the camera is a P.O.S.
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