What is your enclosure like? Do you have a screen top? If so, try covering it with a towel or a piece of plexiglass (not completely, leave a little area for ventilation) and try misting the cage once a day or so to keep up your humidity. When your BP gets close to shed (eyes turn silvery, belly looks pink, etc) you can mist him directly, or soak him in your sink or bathtub in water that is tepid.
If the shed is still bad, when he has shed all he can shed own his own (and this could take a couple days, so give him a fair chance), take him out and put in him in a warm, damp towel, Wrap him up and let him wriggle around in there, and that should help him finish shedding any leftover bits. Retained eye caps can cause serious problems, and you will need to get those off! That can be done by applying mineral oil if it is only the eye caps, and gently using a cloth to get them off. However, if he has retained his whole head piece, I would try the towel method first.
For more long term good results though, bump up your humidity.
1.0.0 Ball Python Omega
1.0.0 Amel Corn Bob Dylan
Last edited by Artemis; 07-23-04 at 03:01 AM..