I would suggest that you don't put a new BP into a "huge" cage. BP's (especially babies) can be shy and may get stressed by a huge enclosure. A 10-gal tank or similar container is good for a baby to a young BP. They will need bigger as adults though. You could use a large enclosure if there are lots of good places to hide.
Ball Pythons are considered by most to be good beginner snakes because they are small (for boids) and usually have a good temperament. They can be frustrating for beginners because of their eating habits or lack there of.
There are lots (and lots) of Ball Python care sheets on the internet. There are really good books too. If you want to get into snakes...that's great, I encourage you to do it. Snakes are great. The most important thing is knowledge and information. You are on the right track by asking questions before hand. Do lots of research and get an enclosure set up and running before bringing a snake home.
It's hard to tell someone "some care info" there is a lot to know. Do some reading and ask some specific questions and there are lots of knowledgeable people here that will be glad to help.
Good Luck