Well, if you're in the Howe Sound area, on Gambier Island there's a camp named Camp Latona(sp?), on the northern side. They have a trail going up behind the camp up to the mountains and there are tons of garters around. At the top there is a lake/pond where there are tons of newts... I'm not sure what species though. That's about the best place I know... which really isn't saying much. Just make sure you ask the camp manager, but if you pull up to their dock in a boat when they don't have people staying there, he'll most likely see you coming and meet you at the dock.
The Howe Sound area though is great for seeing other wildlife as well. I've seen seals, otters, bald eagles, deer, hummingbirds, and moose.
1.0 Pastel Ball Python, 1.9 Normal Ball Pythons, 0.1 African House Snake, 1.0 Savannah Monitor, 0.0.1 Argentinian Horned Frog