Thanks so much for your reply!
I have the babies at about 27C in their rack, should I keep it any warmer? How humid should I have it? and can I really offer them f/t as their first meal? I thought they only ever take live for their first meals. Although it's a terrible thing to think of, how long could a baby corn go without eating before it starts to look thin and too weak to survive?
Live pinkies are hard to get here, I only have 3 right now and they are already too big to be fed to the hatchlings. However, I buy frozen mice and rats from rodentpro and I'm gonna put in another order in 2 weeks, so I figured I'd pick up some f/t pinkies then for later on, but if there's a chance they'd take f/t right away, that would be fantastic!
These corns are so adorable, I hope feeding them is easier then some of my friends have made them out to be.