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Old 06-14-04, 06:44 PM   #1
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Experts against Noobs/Beginners


We have some experts here and some new beginners, everyone here has there own defentions on what a expert is and a beginner. Do you consider you self a expert? This is based on what you care for such as snakes. *Please do not mention names if your giving a negative comment, not here to start a agrument*

1.1 Panther Chameleon Nosy Be
0.1 Leopard Gecko
1.0 Jackson Chameleon
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Old 06-14-04, 06:51 PM   #2
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I had this kind of discussion on a another board and I came to this conclusion: it is pretty arrogant to proclaim yourself an "expert". This would imply you know it all or most of what there is to know. Biology is never black and white so what you think you know one day might not be right the next.

I think it is easier to be called "expert" by someone else but I think it's funny when someone calls themself an expert.

I don't think there is such a thing as an "Expert" but there are some people who know more or are "luckier" than others.

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Old 06-14-04, 06:57 PM   #3
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I would define expert in the reptile hobby, or whateve ryou want to call it, as someone who just knows a lot..of course you can never know everything, but imo i would listen to some people on these forums over others any day just because i know some of the animals they've worked with and can tell how intelligent usually by some of the posts they make.

I dont think their is a defined rank of expertise because this can never be made, but one could say that this person really knows their stuff. I think its all about experience, more then what you keep showing your expertise. Because someone can own a burm or retic, and most would say you need to know a lot or whatever to keep those, but they know jack off and say they know everything. Or someone who owns a 100 snakes is a better example, doesnt meen their smarter then someone who owns 1..get my drift?
thats just my 0.02
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Old 06-14-04, 07:00 PM   #4
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I am an expert lover, an expert marksman, an expert sportsman and an expert linguist but I would NEVER be so cocky or arrogant as to call myself an expert snake handler.
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Old 06-14-04, 07:07 PM   #5
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So i guess that there is no such things as experts like spidergecko said, only depends on how much you know. Would you think Herpoigost(sp) experts? imo i dont think herpoigost are experts, theres always something new about reptiles and many ways to care for them. So like you said its all about experience. So i guess your saying that each day you do reserach and care for you reptiles you become more and more experienced. Maybe the word expert is a bit to strong, i should have used "experienced owners". When i started off into the Herp world i learned a lot from experienced owners, i guess its all about knowlenge.

1.1 Panther Chameleon Nosy Be
0.1 Leopard Gecko
1.0 Jackson Chameleon
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Old 06-14-04, 07:14 PM   #6
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Originally posted by mykee
I am an expert lover, an expert marksman, an expert sportsman and an expert linguist but I would NEVER be so cocky or arrogant as to call myself an expert snake handler.
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Old 06-14-04, 07:17 PM   #7
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It's true Matt. I'll prove the last 3 to you if you'd like, and for $10 I'll even prove the first one......
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Old 06-14-04, 07:17 PM   #8
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The funniest thing about it is this: Picture there is a new snake species just dicovered and it was the coolest thing ever and I collected it and began breeding it. Others tried too but they all failed. I am the only one who has figured it out. People call me an "expert". Then I tell a buddy exactly how I'm doing it. It's not too hard if you stick to my outline. All of a sudden, my friend is an expert but he is using all the info I gave him! Then he writes a book! That bugger! Well, as you see, he is an expert but he didn't do anything! So I sabotage his snake room and ... Oops! I said too much.
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Old 06-14-04, 07:19 PM   #9
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lmfao..good one mykee
and mike lol
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Old 06-14-04, 07:24 PM   #10
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Originally posted by mykee
It's true Matt. I'll prove the last 3 to you if you'd like, and for $10 I'll even prove the first one......
I've got $9.75 in my wallet with your name on it!! LMAO..
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Old 06-14-04, 07:25 PM   #11
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Lol @ mykee.. I gotta drag you to the range one afternoon.
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Old 06-14-04, 07:41 PM   #12
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I prefer using the term "Experienced" as opposed to "Expert." I am by NO means an "expert" rodent breeder, but I do consider myself "experienced." I have been breeding various rodents for about 30 years and have encountered a variety of different problems and such. But I still spend time online every night learning new things... how to care for them better... nutritional information... environment information... ect. I will never consider myself an "expert." There is always new information available. There is always new research being done.
I think this is the same for every animal... whether it is a dog, bird, or snake. While there is a wealth of information online about dogs and cats, reptiles are still relatively "new" and unique. I have several snakes, and spend time every night trying to find more information about them, so I can try to give them the best care I possibly can.
While there are several people I highly respect and trust as "professional" herpers, I don't consider anyone "experts." The few people I have talked with and respect love this hobby and share my love for research.
Well... that's my less than worthy and humble opinion... LOL!
Take care
Annie B. <:3 )~~
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Old 06-14-04, 07:43 PM   #13
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Originally posted by mykee
It's true Matt. I'll prove the last 3 to you if you'd like, and for $10 I'll even prove the first one......
*** Only $10? Hmmmm....
Take care
Annie B. <:3 )~~
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Old 06-14-04, 07:55 PM   #14
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Only snakes themselves are expert snake keepers. All we can do is try our best.
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Old 06-14-04, 07:55 PM   #15
Tim and Julie B
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Personally, I don't think anyone is an expert here. There are those who have learned more than others, whether it be through education, personal experience, or simple trial and error, but because everyone will always have more things to learn and will discover more about their collections I don't think any of us fall under the term "expert".

I would be more willing to take the advice of someone who has learned by trial and error or from those who have dealt with specific species rather than those who "dabble" here and there simply because dedicate work often yields more accurate results. However, I have seen several "newby's" with an amazing ability to apply the foundation of general knowledge to something only to discover something new about a species just because they are still in the "awe" phase (checking their animals every 5 minutes) of keeping reptiles and somehow manage to witness what others may overlook.

I wouldn't consider anyone who claims to be an expert as cocky or arrogant. Confidence in ones self and the abilty to feel comfortable with such a title is applaudable not deplorable. There just might be a few members here who could get away with it and would be labelled as such by others. I can't name any, but I'm only one member of 5500.

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