snake cage question
i've been using rubbermaids,and tanks for my snakes,and im not satisfied,lol.
what i would like to get a few of is something like those vision cages,i dont know if you guys know what they are,i hope so..even if it's not the vision ones and its just that style it's fine..i want something that can hold a big burm,big boa,or a big retic..and it seems like these type of cages can hold them by the looks of it.But the only problem is,first of all,i never see them anywhere in montreal,and second,even on the internet,there either really expensive,or they dont ship them to canada...ggggrrrrr help please!i want nice good homes for my present and future snakes..not that theres anything wrong with rubbermaids,but i think a big boa or burm would probebly break i know marc,you told me,lol)anyway,can someone tell me if theres anywhere in montreal to get vision cages or something similer,if not,somewhere on the internet that will ship to canada...
let me know please,thanks
0.1 ball python, 0.1 B.C.I, 1.0 albino burmese