Anyone ever used heating cable?
I am in the process of building a rack system. I am going to be using 2 by 4's. I know most people would say to use something else such as plywood, but this is what I am going with. I have access to heating cable ( for melting ice) for a good price and want to use this as a heat source. I would dado out a couple of grooves in the wood for the cable to sit in. I could use as many lines under the rubbermaids a required. I think I have a pretty good plan for this...I was just wondering if anyone out there has ever used heating cable before and what your experiences with it are? I am wondering if it may get too hot or stay too cool. I would also like to see the various uses, if any, that people have executed. The room will stay at a steady 80 degrees so it will not have to heat much above that. Just provide a small warm spot. Thanx in advance for your info.
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