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Old 02-16-04, 04:12 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb-2004
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Unhappy My Milksnake won't eat...

I got my 1st snake about 3 weeks ago and he's a problem feeder. He's a Sinaloan Milksnake and hatched on 19/12/03. He's only had 5 feeds since hatching (4 from the breeder, 1 from me) and now hasn't ate for over 2 weeks! I've ordered a bottle of "lizard maker". Has anyone used this before? does it work?

I've been offering him a f/t every Thursday to try to get him into a regular feeding cycle but now starting to worry and don't know if I should leave him till this Thursday. Don't want to force feed him if it can be avoided.
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Old 02-16-04, 04:19 PM   #2
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dont worry 2 weeks isnt bad try a fresh kill if he doesnt eat f/t

calm down my balls before went off food for 2 months and they still looked healthy even then
looking for a young turtle other then a res or snapping contact
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Old 02-16-04, 04:23 PM   #3
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He's most likely fine, could be that he's just in shed, on thursday try giving him a live pink! I have pretty good luck putting the snake in a small margerine dish with the prey item and leaving it overnight in a dark spot, this usually works well! Good luck!
Joe Burch.
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Old 02-16-04, 05:51 PM   #4
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He shed 2 weeks ago so its not that. Giving him a live pinkie is not an option either. I'm BIG animal lover and even feel sorry for the crickets I feed my Tarantulas and lizard. Don't know if I could feed him a live baby mouse. I think I'll wait till next Thursday then try the lizard maker AND putting him in a feeder box overnight. Hope that does it. He is still really active so guess I shouldn't worry too much yet. Thanx guys.
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Old 02-17-04, 08:31 PM   #5
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Originally posted by electrochix
Giving him a live pinkie is not an option either. I'm BIG animal lover and even feel sorry for the crickets I feed my Tarantulas and lizard.
I think your in the wrong hobby my friend!
Joe Burch.
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Old 02-18-04, 10:51 AM   #6
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With only five meals since mid December, sounds like this guy has been a poor feeder since hatch and could continue to be a problem. Don't know if lizard scenting will help if he had been eating unscented pinks before this.

I would make sure the set up is ideal temps with plenty of of tight, dark hiding places on both the warm and cool side of the tank. I would not handle him at all until he is feeding well. Many of the milksnakes are quite sensitive as babies and we have had some that wouldn't feed well unless we left them alone. We offer the pinky late in the evening by placing it into the hide that the snake is in (can often see the snake under the bedding by lifting the tank and looking from underneath instead of picking the hides up). They seem to like to pull the pinky into a small dark place to feed in security. The small, dark butter tub overnight is a good option.

Some young snakes strongly prefer live pinkies - the scent, the breath, and the shivery movement seem quite stimulating to them. If you are reluctant to feed live, you may have success with thawed pinks making sure that they are the right temperature (slightly warm to the touch) and that you move them just slightly - sort of mimic the shivvery tremors that a pinky has rather than waving them around to attract the snake's attention.

Good luck with him,

mary v.
Mary VanderKop
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Old 02-19-04, 07:32 PM   #7
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electrochix, I understand your concern about live food. since you are in the UK like me I can give you the phone number of someone who might be able to advise you. He really knows his stuff. I'll mail you.

0.1.0 Cali King 1.0.0 Pueblan Milk
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