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Old 01-27-04, 09:21 PM   #1
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Frilly care

I was hoping to get a frilled dragon next year but getting some research done in the meantime. I've never kept a lizard befor but have one corn and two frogs. I was wondering how easy they are to keep( special heat bulbs and dusting crickets is no problem). I know they like to climb and was wondering if i should make my own cage( or order ina custom made one) or but a tall tank. Would 5' tall by 4' wide and 4' long be big enough to house one adult or should it be bigger also if anyone can give me some detailed caresheets or advice on proper feeding and lighting and housing plz post it. thx
Kayla Young
1.2 Corns, 0.1 Ball python, 0.1.2 crested gecko's and 0.0.1 Bearded dragon
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Old 01-28-04, 10:58 AM   #2
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Hey there.. I have two adult frilleds in a 6 tall, 3 wide 3 long enclosure with branches, a large water tub, lots of foilage all fitted with a good UV bulb, and a heat light.

They eat lots of food, and are quite active. Crickets, superworms, roaches etc are all good for them even the odd pinky mouse.

My enclosure may be quite large to some peoples standards, but i always give as much room as possible. I always recommend that others do the same...
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Old 01-28-04, 12:42 PM   #3
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thx how are they for handling? do they calm down after regular handling?
Kayla Young
1.2 Corns, 0.1 Ball python, 0.1.2 crested gecko's and 0.0.1 Bearded dragon
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Old 01-28-04, 01:43 PM   #4
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mine are fine, and ive never really handled them. extremely sharp claws, you may want to invest in a good pair of gloves.

juvi claws are nothing, but a heavy adult gripping flesh to hold on hurts, and bleeds
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Old 01-28-04, 01:54 PM   #5
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Common now Adam, quit being a wuss, they are not that sharp! LOL! Frilled dragons are awesome! Adams cage is the ideal size, I would not go any lower. They love, and definitely use the space. They are quite active when healthy, and as mentioned eat like pigs! In regards to handling, that would depend on whether they are CBB or WC, CBB being pretty hard to come across. My CB are amazingly tame! Because I started with wild caughts, I could not believe how tame the captive breds were. They are content to sit with or on you, and are not too flighty. My WC, on the other hand, are absolutely insane! I have become quite fast because of them, somehow catching them when they fly out of my hands. LOL! Babies are quite shy, and should not be handled too often.

They love lots of heat, and UVB lighting is essential. II would definitely build a custom enclosure, because purchasing a proper enclosure for these guys will cost you a morgage! I would definitely recommend a screened enclosure. If you can afford an enclosure bigger then five feet, I would supply it! These guys definitely love and use the room. Also, supply them with lots of foliage! For my frilled dragon cages, I have fallen in love with huge peices of cork bark. Not only do they love it, but it looks gorgeous too!

Frilled dragons need to be misted at least twice daily. If you have further questions, please PM or e-mail me! I am almost done my caresheet which I will be putting online, but for now I will be happy to answer and and all of your questions.
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Old 01-28-04, 04:41 PM   #6
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David, have you held a full grown adult that likes to move around?? they move by lodging their nails into the surface they climb. so if its your skin..... wear gloves
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Old 01-29-04, 07:35 PM   #7
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LOL, I am just messin with ya man. Believe me, I wear gloves for my Veiled Chameleons, so I definitely would recommend them for adult frilleds! My veileds even rip apart my arms.
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Old 01-31-04, 02:02 AM   #8
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thx everyone
Kayla Young
1.2 Corns, 0.1 Ball python, 0.1.2 crested gecko's and 0.0.1 Bearded dragon
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Old 01-31-04, 10:00 AM   #9
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No problem, for specifics like humidity levels, heat levels, cage set-up, just send me a PM when you need some assistance!
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