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Old 12-28-03, 12:56 AM   #1
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Talking Eggie-weggs!

My lovely dragon Lucy laid her first clutch (and my first clutch, actually) of eggs about a week and a half ago (13 perfect eggs! Woo-hooo) We've got a problem, though...We've got them incubating away in their brand-new luxury hovabator but we've got to move at the end of Dec! This is brief lapse of temperature going to affect the eggs? Is this a critical situation or am I stressing needlessly? It will take about 15-20 mins to get them from outlet A to outlet B...So, I dunno, is this a big problem? I'd be heartbroken if anything happened to them, I'm just sooo excited! Also, is this the normal time of year to be laying? I thought breeding season was in the spring, after brumation. My dragons initiated their brumation, but I guess they found some time for some lizard lovin' in between their napping Anyway....EGGIE-WEGGS!!!!!! Yay!

Pete and Jess share their home with -
0.1 Suriname Redtail Boa,1.1 Brazilian Rainbow Boas, 1.0 Ball Python, 1.0 Savannah Monitor, 2.2 Bearded Dragons, 0.1 Veiled Chameleon, 0.1 Leopard Gecko, 0.1 Smooth sided toad.
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Old 12-28-03, 01:24 AM   #2
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Join Date: Mar-2003
Location: Etobicoke
Age: 49
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Don't worry too much about moving. The most important thing is to keep the incubator as still as possible during the move (When we moved in October, I kept the incubators on my lap while my husband drove so they didn't move around if there were bumps.)

If it is only going to take about 20 min. to get to the new place and plug it in again, then you can put a couple of heat packs in the incubator to keep the temperature in the correct range. Get the heat packs at any Canadian tire or Walmart the hand warmers or feet warmers. If you keep the lid to the Hovabator on, then most of the heat will stay inside and the temperature should not drop very much.

When we had the power blackout and had no power for a couple of days....some of our incubators that we couldn't plug into the car outlet went down to 70 degrees and they still all hatched and all the babies survived and thrived. Trust me, it's more stressful for you than the eggs!

As for the breeding season.....our dragons produce all year. Some of our dragons put themselves into brumation but most do not. Most people's dragons breed the most between March and September.

Good luck with your eggs and feel free to contact us if you need any information or help.

Bringing color to your collection.....
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