I think that in a way, its rather incorect, as if saying we are stupid and cannot care for or properly watch and securely maintain the animals. Some people are very responsible. Im sure that if the AB gov did a little tour of everyone(herpers) who wanted to own something restricted they would find that several(probably, just assuming this but most seem responsible) are capable of owning such an animal. Its brutal in my opinion. I cant own a yellow 'conda that would grow to maybe 12' max but i can own a boa that could possibly grow to 13'? It just seems wrong. Why dont they restrict emeralds with huge teeth and nasty tempers(most but not all)? Only some burms are agressive. They may grow ALOT bigger than an emerald but they are calmer? Like what if someones boa went haywire on them and killed them? If i had say a 3' dwarf caimen and bill over somewhere else had a 20' croc, and it killed him, the laws probably wouldnt change right? I mean the headlines would probably read: "OWNER KILLED BY OWN CROC FROM CARELESSNESS". Lets say little dwarf caimens were legal and i got a little booboo and and needed a stitch, they would probably restrict them for good.
I think the government could at least issue a test and such and give a licence to own something maybe? Well, i wish the laws could change but what good does it do of me saying all this? We never band together to show something for the government. We need to offer all of our support shant we? We need to be stronger, make a statement, show the government we know and care! Maybe they could look at it from a different perspective?
0.2 Bloods for Sale. Adult and juvinile. PM me for details.