My female iguana, Larry, is very heavily gravid. Had her at the vet on Friday. He's a good vet, but NOT a herp specialist. He was not sure on the dosage. Recommended getting the stuff for herps and following the dosage on it.
Nothing against my vet at all, he's awesome, admits when he doesn't know the answer and will try to look it up.
Larry, has a problem in her one leg as well, it was previously broken and I'm assuming no vet care for it as it's an old break so it came at her first owners. The bone on xray first looked like MBD, but I brought in the vet history from the rescuers I adopted her from and its the same leg that was broken. So we don't think she has MBD, just something in that leg. Other than that, she's fine(her bones look great).
So that's the story behind my questions. Hope it helps. Thank you very much.