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Old 11-06-03, 10:06 PM   #1
Join Date: Oct-2003
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Age: 46
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Question Albino retic Q

couple of Q;
I was wondering if anybody knows if there is any place to get albino reticulated pythons in Canada?

What are the current prices and dosn't the purple phase fade like the lavender ?

I'm thinking of picking one of these op next spring/summer . I'm interested in a purple, but if they fade or are to rare I want to get a high white phase.
Thx 4 your posts lol.:medteeths

Last edited by cpt_retic; 11-06-03 at 10:29 PM..
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Old 11-07-03, 04:53 AM   #2
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I think there is a select few ppl in Canada that MAY have a Albino retic in there collection but it is a slim posibilaty.
You see ppl in canada fear Retic's and run for the hills when they see them up close and in there face.(that is the reason why I will be working with them in the near future them and rock's and also Green Anacondas but that is a storry for another thread.)

Just of hand I know of one person but he has Dwarf Albino retic's so that dosent realy count and there value is more then the average Canadien herper is willing to spend on a snake you are looking at some 5 figure numbers.
So ya if you want just a regulare sized albino Retic you will be saving up for a good amount of time.
When you do have the cash you will end up doing what most ppl do put a down payment on a house cause that is what this snake can cost you the equal value of your first down payment.

Have fun Saving or you can always try and win the

Marc Doiron
0.1 Jungle Carpet Pythons,
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Old 11-07-03, 01:46 PM   #3
Join Date: Oct-2003
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LOL. 6k is alot a coin to dosh out for a snake. I figured it out , to buy an albino from bob for 2k US shipping 30% ex , around $3000.oo to $3800oo by spring . Not totaly sure yet . but we will see. Never bred snakes befor but if I'm going to dish out this much for a snake . you never know
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