You do a double take at the latest prime specimen in your local herp store haunt & as your significant other begins to glare you say "This is it!! The last one I promise!! I promise!"...and you are believed for the very last time!
Your mom knows about you & your excursions out into the woods and into the local pet store, and now frisks you down as soon as you enter the house!
You tell your girlfriend/mother "that IS the same just changes colors and body shape. Yeah, it really is growing fast - I changed its name from "Mr. Cal King" to "Annie Anaconda."
You quit smoking not to better your health, but out of concern for the effect of second hand smoke on your herps.
Your arms say you're an I.V. drug user...your python says you're dinner!
Your mind races endlessly as you imagine hatching your next clutch of designer ball pythons.
Your bedroom smells worse than your bathroom.
You suffer the "Oh yeah? Look at this baby!! I got this scar when I tried to take the RABBIT AWAY from my Burm!" "Yeah? That ain't nothing - my water monitor railed me when I cut his nails. Check this out...4 stitches!" (This does not denote that any of these species do this!-Kev) more on