<< What supplies do I need? >>
Well-ventilated, escape-proof, chew-resistant caging; food; bedding; water bottles (not dishes). I avoid buying supplies from pet stores, they are way overpriced. I buy shavings for $4 CDN for a compressed 3.5 cubic foot bag at the local co-op, and I just feed them Wal Mart brand dog food for $15 CDN/18 kg bag. I used to use <a href="http://www.mazuri.com">Mazuri</a>, but have had better results with the dog food.
<< How easy is it to breed? >>
Well rats breed like crazy so there isn't any trick to that part. The part you need to worry about most is efficiency. I run mine in colonies of 1.3 or 1.4. Do not remove the male at any point, unless you are replacing him. You need him to reimpregnate the female after she gives birth, so by the time she weans her litter, she has another on the way. Do not add any new members to the colony while there are babies. You can handle pinkies as soon as day 1, clean the cages like normal as well.
<< How long does it take for the babies to become large adults? >>
Many of mine also feed on jumbo rats. I am not 100% certain since I do not keep track and don't have very good concept of time. I would say maybe 6-8 months for males to get really big (females I find usually need to be closer to a year old, I don't raise any females up to be large, but rather feed them off to the snake that eat smaller prey and hold on to the males). To get really xxjumbo rats, these will typically be retired breeders.
<< How easy are they to take care of? >>
Keep them fed, comfortable (I house mine at about 65 degrees), watered, and clean and they will jsut do the rest all to themselves. Very easy to care for, just rather time consuming once you get a good number of colonies going.