Hey Linds... where ya been? How are your boas doing ?
Frankie .. don't make me hurt you
Thanks guys, and Mary there are 6 boas total in the photos from various breeders in the US. The boa you like the most "Hera" was a product of mother nature. Currently I am raising 3.5 suris , 1.2.3 chondros, 1.1 ball pythons, and 0.0.8 red eye tree frogs. It used to be alot worse but I slimmed down the collection a bit, it was becoming more like a job and less like a hobby.
oops and 0.1 dumerils boa
and one python shot for fun
We used to keep beardies too, but we recently had our first child and once the baby got here the "cricket drama" was to much to handle. Nothing worse then finding a cricket crawling in your bedroom... YUCK ! No more dragons... maybe in a few years
Enjoy the photos