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Old 09-15-03, 11:59 PM   #1
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cham doesn't eat on his own...ideas?

My veiled chameleon, Zoe, has not eaten on his own since late March.
I have been syringe feeding him every day, or every other day with repta-aide.
For his sake I don't want to continue this type of feeding for the rest of his life.
I believe he can still shoot his tongue, as I saw him strike at a housefly a month or so ago.

Anyway...I just need some fresh ideas. I don't have access to silk worms (the quantity/cost involved is too great for me to take the risk on him not eating them!!) or hornworms (anyone know where I can get some??) unfortunately.



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Old 09-16-03, 12:48 AM   #2
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The syringe feeding may have caused him to lose his ability to use his tonge efficiently. It's hard to say. I've read your posts on the forbidden site (KS) and haven't you always had some problems with Zoe? I can think of no suggestions, I don't think there are any. Try roaches.

1.1 Veiled Chameleons : 1.1 Crested Gecko : 0.1 Pictus Geckos (looking to trade or sell $25) : 1.0 normal leopard gecko - 0.1 tang 100% het bliz leo - 0.2 bliz leos (All leopards for sale/trade) : 1.0 Leucisitc Texas Ratsnake (Looking to trade for Crestie or pygmy chams)
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Old 09-16-03, 02:03 AM   #3
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Hi Brock...

Long time since I've heard from you. Hope all is well.'re right. I have had this problem with Zoe for just about forever now.
I got him in February last year, I think. Then he suffered two back to back URI's. He was quite sick and weak...but bounced back with vet care.

Now...he just won't eat on his own. I have seen him shoot his tongue a few times...mostly at things that are not rocks.
Then the last time I saw him do it was a month or so ago. He had good aim, and distance...after all, he bagged himself a flight. We were all so excited when he did it. Then...not since. Even when we put flies in with him.

I can't find roaches either...I thought they were not for sale in Ontario anymore?

Someone said to coat crickets/mealworms in spirolina (spelling?), because chams like green things....but I don't know where to get it.
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Old 09-16-03, 01:51 PM   #4
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Just a thought but what I was gonna do with Duke (my male veiled that stopped eating on his own) was basically leave crix in his cage and force him to eat basically... stop syringe feeding him for a few days see if he swallows his pride and just eats.

Duke is no longer in my care because I felt he would do better with somebody else. Let me give you some background... he closed his eyes which is why he stopped eating, then after a while of me force feeding him he opened back up. I kept up with the force feeding for a while and then decided to try my idea. Unfortunately the very day I tried it, he had closed his eyes. So I don't know if it would have worked... but I think it would have.
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Old 09-16-03, 05:41 PM   #5
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Hey Kim!

My memory isn't what it used to be, but I do follow your trials with Zoe on the other other site. Did the insects coated in Repti-Aid work at all for you? Have you tried decreasing the amounts you feed him, forcing him to eat a more natural way?

Honestly I'd try some silkies with him. I know it's more expensive to buy a half a dozen silkworms at your local pet shop, then in bulk from silkie suppliers but I think it's worth a try anyways, just to see if he eats them. Some of the bigger pet shops are carrying hornworms now too. As for the roaches, they are technically illegal to keep in Canada, certainly Ontario, but everyone, except myself, seems to have a colony of them. Maybe you should just subtley ask around for someone who's got a few... *wink wink*

Spirulina is a little hard to find, but I have seen it in health food stores and the odd bulk food place. I've never tried it myself, but have heard reports that it does work. What about some wild grasshoppers. We seem to have a plethora if them in Ontario at the moment, they are green, maybe Zoe will like them?

Just some random thoughts.

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Old 09-16-03, 11:21 PM   #6
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Hi Trace....

I haven't tried the spirolina yet. I have to try and track some down this weekend. (I work nights, so I'm a day sleeper...have to wait for the weekends to do anything "normal")

I have not been able to find any silkies here in London petshops. In fact, most them ask ME what silkies are.
I'd have to order them off of the net.
I do believe Port Credit Pets sells them in small quantities...I think.
Even wax worms (which Zoe refuses) are hard to come by here.

I have tried forcing him to eat. As a matter of fact, I was away for 5 days this summer...I left 20 crickets in a bowl in his enclosure....they were all still there when I came home.
I can't find anyone who isn't afraid of him to syringe feed him. No one seems to have a problem firing some crickets in there with him, or giving him water in his dripper...but ohmyGOD...TOUCH him?....forget it!

Even after coating the crix in repta-aide...I still have to force feed him.
He's such a fussy, demanding little bugger.
Next it'll be..."HEY...Woman!...get me a beer!"

What city are you in Trace, that you can get silkies and hornworms in a pet store?
If it's close to might be worth me bribing a friend for a lift to get some.
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Old 09-17-03, 07:10 AM   #7
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Morning Kim!

I do believe Port Credit Pets sells them in small quantities...I think.
Yes, he does. Hornworms too as far as I know. Unless you make a day of driving from London to Mississauga (it's not THAT far really) you will probably pay more for shipping than you will for just a few bugs. Of course, with the price of gas these days, it may, in fact, be cheaper to ship! LOL! Grant is a good guy, it's worth a phone call or an email to ask if he's got them in stock and shipping charges etc. I get my crickets and such weekly from PCPC and I love the service I get.

I can't find anyone who isn't afraid of him to syringe feed him. No one seems to have a problem firing some crickets in there with him, or giving him water in his dripper...but ohmyGOD...TOUCH him?....forget it!
LMAO! I hear ya! I'm not quite sure of the definition of "vacation" or "get away for a few days" anymore.

Next it'll be..."HEY...Woman!...get me a beer!"
Yes, yes it will. Trust me. Spoiled little brats.

What city are you in Trace, that you can get silkies and hornworms in a pet store?
I'm up here in Ottawa. While I refuse to step into the bigger chain pet stores, I have seen silkies in some of the smaller, herp friendly shops. Expensive though! I usually pick up a stack of silkworms at the expos in Mississauga every few months.

Hope this helps. Keep me posted.


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Old 09-17-03, 03:28 PM   #8
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if you don't mind me asking, where the hell do you find the slikies???? in ottawa that is...???
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Old 09-17-03, 04:25 PM   #9
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Kim: Here's another random thought... I was rereading this thread and Zoe seemed to be attracted to flying insects. Have you tried butterflies and moths? Worse comes to worse, if he doesn't like the silkworms, you can always let them morph into moths and see if likes those better.

672: I've seen silkies at Salon des Chiens over in Gatineau. I'm pretty sure I've seen them in Pet Haven and Little Critters too. I've also heard rumours that Super Pet is carrying them as well.


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Old 09-18-03, 10:04 PM   #10
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I found a place that will order in a small quantity of silkworms for me!!!!!


I won't be able to get them until next Thursday...but at least I can get them.
They will charge me .50 cents each, but no shipping costs.

I'm going to order 10 or 20, and let Zoe give them a try. Then if he likes them, I will order in a larger quantity of them from an online supplier.
The pet shop that will order them for me is EVIL. I really do not like to support them for many, many reasons. Hopefully it will be a one time thing...ordering from them.

Everyone wish me luck with the silkworms!!!
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Old 09-18-03, 10:18 PM   #11
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50 cents! Holy cow that's cheap. They are close to a dollar up here. :/

I do wish you luck, I know how frustrating his non-eating issues must get for you. Keep us posted.


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Old 09-19-03, 05:36 PM   #12
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This may sound strange, but it is worth a try. In the bottom of his favorite tree cover 1/2 the pot with large river rocks and the other 1/2 with nothing, this will expose some dirt. Watch him and see if he shows interest in the dirt. If he dose place some feeders like supperworms, waxworms, silkworms on top of the dirt when he is down in it. Some chameleons can be very picky about food presentation, even if they have been know not to like a cretin food, if it is presented to them differently, they may eat it. This might trigger his feeding response and get him interested again in live food.

As far a tube feeding goes, have you tried other liquid foods, like baby food. Chicken and green veggies are great for tube feeding, if he has a fondness of the Repti Aid then you may try mixing it with different baby foods to provide a better diet.

Hornworms work great as well, I cant imagine how much they cost up there if silkworms are .50-$1 each, but then again that is CAD not USD and I am not up to par on the exchange rate.

One last thing, you will probably have to starve him for a few days to a week, so he is hungry. This also helps in the feeding response.

Best of luck!
John @ Chameleon Paradise


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