Originally posted by Jayson
First off yes it is ok to handle rats by the tail as long as you are sure to handle at the base of the tail and not the tip, this is more a rule for the heavier rats.
Agreed. But I wouldn't recommend tailing them for an extended period of time, only moving from say tub to tub and so forth. After all it is an extension of the spine, can't feel great.
Originally posted by Jayson
I would be more concerned about why she only had a litter of 4. as my first litters are never less then 10 with the average first litter being 12.
My females tend to throw litter sizes similar to yours, even really young females that had been accidentally bred, however I have heard time and time again that females will have smallish first litters, so I wouldn't think its a cause for concern, I would be concerned if it happened again though.