They get 4-6 feet, and I think I read somewhere of their BP getting 6ft 1 they have the possibilitie of getting big. A 30 gal tank is the BARE min. Bigger IS better. Feed them 1 time a week with an appropriate sized prey item (NEVER LIVE). They are generally not agressive. but WC ones can be. Get a good CB one from a breeder NEVER go to a petstore they suck, and most (Not all) know nothing about the animal they are selling.......go find some care sheets online.......they have to have a basking spot of about 90-95 F. (no higher than 95), and a humidity of about 60% and about 80% when they are in shed.....and lots of other little tid as I said go find a caresheet online or go buy "The Ball Python Manual"
The Mischief:
Neptune, Zion, Enigma,
Mischief~ Hamster