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07-25-03, 04:29 PM
Join Date: Apr-2003
Location: Toronto, Ontario
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jacking herps?
Im going to my cottage this sunday and i wanted to know if i went there and took a snake or lizard or somthing would i get charged or anything? i live in toronto and im going about 1 hour and 30 minutes drive to around perrysound...if i were to take a frog or somthing is this illigal? or is it certain species and specifics like that?
please answer before sunday 
07-25-03, 05:09 PM
Join Date: Feb-2003
Location: Moncton, New Brunswick
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nope have fun herping man.
0.1 Jungle Carpet Pythons,
07-25-03, 05:32 PM
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Yes it is illegal to collect any wildlife. Almost all native species are illegal to keep as pets in Ontario... I think red sided garters are the exception? Best bet is to catch it, look at it for a while, maybe take a few pics, and let it go back to its home. Its not really fair to be yanking something thats lived its life in the wilderness and forcing it to live in a box...
07-25-03, 05:40 PM
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It is illegal to collect any native herps in Ontario with 2 exceptions
Both of these involve owning a valid Ontario fishing licence:
1. Common Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina serpentina)
2. Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana)
I'm pretty sure you can only collect one of each, although I don't have the book in front of me. I'll look into it tonight...
Chondro python, please educate yourself on topics such as this before making uneducated comments.
Specializing in rare & unusual Herpetofauna
07-25-03, 05:49 PM
Join Date: Jul-2002
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Originally posted by Linds
Its not really fair to be yanking something thats lived its life in the wilderness and forcing it to live in a box...
i agree..especially an animal that is living up in cottage country. not really exposed to people. I can see a difference if it were living in a suburb or something, but then again, i guess thats no different.
Id just take some nice pics. Lizards dont cost THAT much anyways
07-25-03, 05:51 PM
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Ever since Finding Nemo, I've been really wary of anybody taking an animal from its natural habitat.
1.1 ball pythons (Huxley and Marla)
~"Interestingly enough, the only thing the bowl of petunias thought was, 'Oh no, not again.'" --Douglas Adams~
* Mollie *
07-25-03, 05:55 PM
Join Date: Feb-2003
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well see it is ilegal to catch a wild animal and sell it as a pet. I was herping and caught a snaping turtel and lone behild a forset ranger saw me and ansk what my intentionds were I said I just wanted it he said nothing and said dont go over bord.
these laws aply to ppl that set nets and stuff. like how many kids do you see on camping grounds frog catching and stuff like that. man let the kid have some fun why dont you I did it and so did many others. he isent some potcher from mexico god.
Oh ya FYI my my mother in law BF son in law is a forset ranger so I am educated
0.1 Jungle Carpet Pythons,
07-25-03, 06:08 PM
Join Date: May-2003
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Yes but not in ontario our laws are differnt...I know quite a few guys who work for ag can! And for not taking animals out of the wild I think we are forgetting where are animals came from, at one point in the not to distant past the only herps you couls get were WC...If it weren't for them we would not have the hoby that we have today. I am all for the proper management of natural rescources mind you. Thats my 2 cents.
07-25-03, 06:19 PM
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Playing Devils Advocate :)
From ReptileHQ
It is illegal to collect any native herps in Ontario with 2 exceptions
Both of these involve owning a valid Ontario fishing licence:
1. Common Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina serpentina)
2. Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana)
From chondro python
well see it is ilegal to catch a wild animal and sell it as a pet. I was herping and caught a snaping turtel and lone behild a forset ranger saw me and ansk what my intentionds were I said I just wanted it he said nothing and said dont go over bord.
Seems that the specimen you had in hand was pretty much legal to collect and was probably assumed that you had the Ontario fishing licence by the officer
these laws aply to ppl that set nets and stuff
Actually.. animal protection laws usually apply to everyone.
Man.. if I had that train of thought while herping for eastern indigos.. I would be seriously up ---- creek without a boat.
07-25-03, 06:42 PM
Join Date: May-2003
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LOL same here I'd have a whol collection of Mississauga rattlers.
07-25-03, 07:28 PM
Join Date: Feb-2003
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I lived in Ontario lats year in the boonies moose creek area.
And lets not for get this is a 14 or 15 year old just wanting to go and have some fun. we are not talking Cites I animals here he is not border jumping with a indigo.
0.1 Jungle Carpet Pythons,
07-25-03, 07:32 PM
Join Date: Mar-2002
Location: Paris, ON
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sorry, what exactly is a mississauga rattle snake?
never heard one or seen one. But the other weekend
i saw 2 massasauga rattle snakes.
07-25-03, 07:37 PM
Join Date: Jan-2003
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It is illegal to collect or disturb any indigenous(native) species in Ontario, with some exceptions.....but like anything else..use your common sense do what you feel is right....
07-25-03, 07:49 PM
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Actually there is another acception to the Environmental Laws, I was looking into them when I wanted to keep a pet bat! lol
If you go to the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources website, they state that ONE animal may be kept. Mostly for learning purposes or say if you have a child, as a learning experience for him or her.
This however, does not include mammals. Only reptiles and amphibians.
Also, watch out for the protected species in Ontario: http://www.ontarioherpers.org/laws/
There it states that "Provincial legislation affects species native to Ontario only. Most are protected and cannot be captured, kept, bred, bought or sold without a licence issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources. (By “capture” I mean catch and take home, not catch, photograph and release.) Those that are not protected may be kept, bred and bought or sold legally, so long as they were legally acquired, but may not be taken from the wild without a small-game hunting licence."
However, as I said before, the only loophole with that is that you may keep ONE of these for educational purposes...I would quote it, but the MNR page seems to be down at the moment...
Personally, I don't think it's right to take an animal from the wild unless it's in the interest of preserving a species by breeding and reintroduction into the wild; saving it from an extinction that we most likely caused.
"A rattlesnake that doesn't bite teaches you nothing."
07-25-03, 08:04 PM
Join Date: May-2002
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In light of earlier "discussions" in another forum, think twice before taking any wild animal out of its habitat. An illegal act is an illegal act.
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"The day I tried to live, I wallowed in the blood and mud with all the other pigs" - C. Cornell
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