2.5 month old leo always shedding
I have a gecko (Imogene) that was born on May 8th. She's a het blizzard and I have her clutch mate (Indira) as well. Indira is doing fine, but I'm worried about Imogene. It seems like she's always shedding. I don't think it's because she's a ghost leo because I can see the loose skin hanging off. She ate 4 crickets and 2 mealies yesterday. She has a moist hide, a dry hide, a dish of water, and a dish with mealworms in a tank that's a bit under 10 gallons (she's alone) with a 90*F hot side. Indira has identical parameters and hasn't had any problems since I got her. Imogene is also a bit smaller than Indira. It's not just her toes and tail that's shedding, it's her whole body. I'm not sure, but I think she might be a ghost leo, in which case maybe the other times I saw her shedding it was really just her skin color and I didn't look close enough, but I think it's more likely that she's almost always shedding. If she is almost always shedding what should I do? Is that a problem? My other leos aren't like that.
Now 100% herp free!