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Old 07-21-03, 09:07 PM   #1
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European glass lizards

This is my scheltopusik, Blinkie
<img src=></img>
I think it's a female, but she's active and growing on a diet of mice, insects and earthworms. Orange colouration is starting to come in. Anyone else keep them?
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Old 07-22-03, 01:12 AM   #2
Scales Zoo
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We have 4, a friend who shares his animals with us for breeding has 5.

One of ours is evil, he will hunt you down and bite you. The other 3 are some of my favorite reptiles (which we keep together). We take one of these 3 to every educational display or presentation that we attend.

Ours are growing really well also. Ours also like boiled eggs and catfood, both supplemented with rep-cal and herptivite.

Pioneer school at Rocky Mountain house kept one for 14 years (it is still alive) and only fed it catfood. It appeared to be in great shape.

Ours are all around 4' long - and look just like yours. They like to burrow, and just poke their heads out. We give them a heat light, with ambient temperatures around 74 F. They also seem to like to climb when cruising, so we have sticks and chunks of wood in their enclosure.

I had always wanted Sheltopusiks, and would love to see babies sometime in the future.

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Old 07-22-03, 01:38 PM   #3
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Lucky you to have so many - now I'll really have to hunt you down when I move to Saskatoon. I'm not completely sure mine is a female, I haven't had her probed and the only other sexing info I could find is relative head width, which is kind of useless with only one animal. She's only about 2' long right now.

Blinkie doesn't bite, but she hisses and rotates rapidly and generally thrashes around in between giving out dirty looks.

She'll eat both catfood and hard boiled egg as well, but I find the smell of the eggs nauseating, and catfood just means more filler, which means more feces to clean.

I have a shallow pot plant dish with a hole cut out on one side with a hot rock on top to heat it, and she spends most of her time in there,except when she's hunting. I find she's got a bottomless appetite, so she's frequently out. She gets ambient heat otherwise, which is quite high around now for summer, but she did equally well in the colder winter temps.

I agree they climb well! She pushed open her cage once, and I was looking on the ground, under couches, etc. for her. She was on the top shelf of a bookcase, watching me look.

I really like them! They're like snakes, but so so wrong! The blinking, external ears, pathetic excuse for tongue flicking, cloaca halfway along the belly, osteoderms, buccal oscillations, it's oh-so-fun to watch. I wish she was better behaved, so I could have taken her to WSPCR shows. I was always worried someone would freak her out a little too much and the tail would come off.

Do yours use their waterdish much? I gave her one, but whenever I've seen her using it, I've never seen her soaking or anything.

And do you know how to differentiate between the two subspecies? Again, the reptiles article I read said to use the relative head widths, but it's freakin' useless for me.

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Old 07-22-03, 03:23 PM   #4
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Originally posted by alexandsnakes
cloaca halfway along the belly, osteoderms, buccal oscillations, it's oh-so-fun to watch. I wish she was better behaved, so I could have taken her to WSPCR shows. I was always worried someone would freak her out a little too much and the tail would come off.
The cloaca is at the end of the body where the tail starts I don't keep them personally, but I have worked with many of them. I do agree they are great little animals! We used to use them in shows and parties. They never even attempted to bite, but rather just did barrel rolls in my hands whenever they were fed up with being held The ones at work never soaked in their dishes either. They don't tolerate high temperatures as well. Last summer we lost a few to the heat because the A/C was broken
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Old 07-23-03, 08:01 AM   #5
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I'm so happy to see a post from someone who keeps these guys ! My local pet store (the good one anyway) has had one for 6 months now. No one besides them knows anything about it & everyone thinks it is ugly. I just love him & have been researching them in hopes of buying him myself. With any luck he'll be home within the next week or so.
Cheers for the legless ! Dar.
HOW TO .....
grow snakes in Nova Scotia
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Old 07-23-03, 07:24 PM   #6
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is that a legless lizard? kinda looks like a skink....looks nice!
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