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Old 07-10-03, 10:53 AM   #1
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Watery stool

One of my bearded dragons went to the bathroom on my egg-laying box and the stool seemed kinda runny, like diarrhia. there was a orangy-ish kind of liquid circling it. Is this normal, or did my dragon have Diarrhia? If it is Diarrehia, how would it have gotten it?
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Old 07-10-03, 03:25 PM   #2
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Usually runny stools are caused by extra moisture in the diet... have you fed any new greens or veggies lately? If it only poops a watery stool once or twice you have nothing to worry about, but if it keeps up you could have a parasite on your hands... eek! Keep an eye on things and see what happens next time s/he poops. Hope this helped!

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Old 07-10-03, 10:30 PM   #3
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Were the urates tinged orangey, or just the purely liquid part? Orangish wet stools can be a sign of high estrogen so if it's a gravid or ovulating female that passed the stools and it's just like that once in awhile it's no big deal.

If the solid urates are orange, though, that's often a sign of compromised liver functions, often caused by a high parasite load or overly rich diet. If that's what you see, get a fecal sample to your vet soon.
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Old 07-11-03, 05:18 PM   #4
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the whole stool was runny, but it wasnt all orange, an orangy liquid just circled the fecals. As far as i know this was the first time this has ever happened.

I havent fed any new greens, but i am trying the comercial diet pellets. I moisten them and mix them in with the veggies.
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Old 07-11-03, 08:12 PM   #5
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The orange coloration might just be food coloring then. Pellets usually do the opposite, as they are lower in fiber and moisture than greens they don't normally cause loose stools but maybe your beardie is having some temporary indigestion from a sudden diet change.

If it's a one-time thing no big deal.
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