Remember... it's advisable to not name pet stores by name here. I'm sorry for the deaths of the geckos. It's always best to buy from a breeder, because most care about the animals, as well as making profits. The gecko pictured looks very thin, almost emaciated. When picking out a leopard gecko to purchase, one should always check to see that they are eating, fat and healthy. The eyes should be bright and alert.
Personally, I would ask for reimbursment for the vet costs, cost of the gecko, etc. Animals sold from this particular chain are guaranteed to be healthy, and excessive parasite loads are not normal. Many reptiles have some parasites naturally, and they work with the gecko for a mutually benefical relationship. Captive animals with parasite loads often succumb to these pests, no one is quite sure why captive leos are prone to such extreme loads. Keep us updated on the actions you take, and check out my post, "Pet Store Responds to Complaints." ( (I hope this link works!) This may help you figure a course of action. Letting them be without complaint or accepting responsibility for the health of the animals will only encourage them to continue their practices. Good Luck, I look forward to an update!