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Old 07-02-03, 03:08 PM   #1
Colonel SB
Join Date: May-2003
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Question Good Book????

Does anyone have the book The Natural History of Monitor Lizards
by Harold F. De Lisle? Is it good? Thanks Darryl.
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Old 07-02-03, 03:39 PM   #2
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Hey Darryl,I've got that book.
It's a pretty good book full of facts not found in books you may pick up at the pet store. As its title implies it is more about taxonomy,physiology and habitat.
There are some nice photos,but the information on captivity is not exactly up to date and not very detailed.
Still a good book if you don't mind a little heavy reading.

V.salvator 0.1

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Brian Griffin: Yeah, about your pamphlet... uh, I'm not seeing anything about German history between 1939 and 1945. There's just a big gap.

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Old 07-02-03, 04:57 PM   #3
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The book is OK - its fair. Not what the herptoculturalist needs for information...daniel bennetts book is better, but it has only 1 page on captive husbandry or so, and his savanna book has alot more; what species do you want info about? FOr the Genus, Bennetts book is best right now, but there are others, like Dennis King (Late) which will be out later this year that will be superb, and be the kind of book your looking for Vara-wise....
good hunting,
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Old 07-02-03, 08:02 PM   #4
Colonel SB
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Well I am just interested in learnign more so it doesn't matter which species it's on...but my true love is V.Abligularus, Mark if you can recomend some good books I'm all ears price is no option...Could I get the title & author please Thanks so much for your help mark!
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Old 07-02-03, 10:43 PM   #5
Join Date: Jan-2003
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Posts: 166
Ah, this varanid is very close to my heart, and your in luck! In 1938, a wonderful book was written about a hermit who studied and lived with V. albigularis for 40 years in the veld of South Africa. The book is titled, "Gogga Brown" by M.R. Drennan. Maskew Miller, Ltd. Cape Town. 99pp. If you go to and type in title and/or author, it will probably pop up and you can get a copy that way! Its a wonderful book about Gogga Brown, and an entire chapter on V. albigularis! Also in 1991, Bill Branch wrote a treatise on Gogga Brown and V. albigularis in Mertensiella 2:50-110, 1991. Mertensiella 2 is VERY RARE and if you find this volume, good luck! These two items are all about albigularis and will give you much natural history and breeding behavior of this most marvelous animal.

FYI: My friend in FL reads his book Gogga Brown to his colony of V. albigularis outdoors as they lay all about him head to toe, and his animals are circa 4-6 feet long each! Great image eh....
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