My newest acquisition....
Well, here's the newest 'kid', an adult male(i think) Sudan plated lizard....
<img width="600" height="490" src=",0,0,1,1,600,490,FFFFFF">
Isn't he cute?
Got him from some people who've had him for 2 years and were giving him away because the daughter lost interest and the mother didn't want to take care of it anymore. They seem to have taken pretty good care of him.... looks to be in good shape, and reasonably tame for not having been handled much recently. I got the cage and all his accessories from them for $75 too.... the heat pad(zoomed) and basking lamp (with multiple replacement bulbs) alone were worth that. I don't really like the cage he came in - it's the right size, sturdy, and adequate, but just not well designed for viewing. And the basking lamp, heat pad, and a power bar for plugging them in are inside of the cage (pad is wrapped in a towel and will be removed soon - it's warmer than necessary with it anyway)
<img width="700" height="525" src=",0,0,1,1,700,525,FFFFFF">
(everything but the food dish came with him)
<img width="800" height="600" src=",0,0,1,1,800,600,FFFFFF">
I'm building a new 4'x2'x2' cage this week out of melamine with sliding glass doors and a screen top (and of course, I'm building a second one at the same time.... hope to get a uromastyx in the future - buying veggies for the Sudan now anyway) I'll probably keep the old cage around for a quarantine cage or something.
various cornsnakes, 0.1 black pine snake, 1.0 uromastyx geyri, etc.
"The only thing worse than a human who had no respect for other animals was a human who assumed all other animals thought and felt just like he did." --Julia Ecklar, "ReGenesis"