Why would you feed your snake something you expected him to regurge? If there is any doubt, better to let him wait a little bit longer than risk a regurgitation. Often snakes in the wild will feed on prey much larger than the largest part of their girths... it can cause them to regurge in some cases, but most of the time it is fine, it's just a caution we follow to reduce the risk and keep our animals as healthy as we can. There isn't really much of a timeframe where a snake won't regurge, I've even spoken to people that have had their snakes regurge after nearly a week, however its generally thought to be around 4 days as the safe zone (for appropriately sized meals, large meals are excluded). If there is still a noticeable lump, then you are definitely in the warm zone still. Larger meals take longer to digest, so just give him extra time before his next meal. Let him chill out and finish digesting the bulk of it, like Colonel SB said, refrain from handling until he becomes active again. Take care, and in the future, if ever in doubt, simply don't - it's better safe than sorry