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Old 06-01-03, 10:56 PM   #1
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Unhappy I killed him!!!

I found my male white lip, Fox dead today. Just now. I couldn't sleep, so I went to water my baby snakes. I checked on my guys and discovered Fox, dead. He must have just died as there was no smell and he was stiff, so a few hours. I suspect that I hurt him when I accidently got his head caught between the edge of the shelf and the edge of the tupperware, a few days ago. I have the snakes in lidless rack shelf.

I feel so awful. I can't believe this. My first white lip escaped on me and got killed by the cats and now this. I only have Natla left. I feel like giving up on white lips totally. I can't believe I killed my own snake. I'm just crying silently in my chair right now.

He'd been eating and was doing well. I'm so sorry Fox.
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Old 06-01-03, 11:18 PM   #2
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Hey hey, you didnt do it on purpose and hes in a better place right now. You provided him with everything he needed, including the most important: TLC. You did everything you could while you had him. Im sorry to hear about it . Dont give up! Everything happens for a reason and most of it we cant stop. Hopefully you feel a little better by tomorrow. *Hugs*
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Old 06-02-03, 12:22 AM   #3
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Sad, but dont let it keep you away from the hobby!!! There are other snkes out there that might not be lucky enough to get as good of a home as you have to offer!!! Sorry for your loss and keep movin on girly! Im shure you will have better luck soon enough.

Lucas out
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Old 06-02-03, 12:25 AM   #4
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You didnt kill him, it was ment to happen trust me i have been threw alot of dead animals just trying to save them or the ones i have keep for along time... it happens dont let it stop u from what u love and well if u cry over them, thats just mean u love them and dont let it stop u...
If you never go forward there will never be a past
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Old 06-02-03, 01:12 AM   #5
Tim and Julie B
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Katt, first off I am sorry for your loss. But how could it be your fault? If you did manage to catch his head in the drawer, I seriously doubt it would do enough damage to kill him without you noticing some trauma (sp) right away. Don't give up! We have all had s****y things happen once in awhile. When the hobby you love involves live animals that you will undoubtedly get attached to, you will always have your heart broken once in a while. Don't give up, I remember how happy you were when you first got them. You said white lips were always on your to get list because they were one of your favourites ( I have noticed that list is pretty long ). Please try again, in the long run I think you will find success and be grateful for your persistence. Take some time mourn the loss of Fox and when it is time get a new baby to love. We all go through this once in a while, no matter if you have one animal or one hundred. Everyone always gives each other the same advice, you have probably done it yourself but when it happens to us we always need to hear it from another person. If it wasn't for Julie I might have thrown in the towel last year. But looking back I am glad I did not. I hope this little paragraph helps you feel even a little bit better. Take care, Tim.
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Old 06-02-03, 02:16 AM   #6
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Keep smiling girl. Don't lose focus about what you did good for him..things will get better

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Old 06-02-03, 02:33 AM   #7
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I'm so sorry Katt. I know it must be harder than I can imagine to go through this as I haven't had to yet. But I don't doubt that you gave this snake as much love and care as you could possibly give. And $h!t happens... even when you try your best to prevent it.

A hug from me as well....
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Old 06-02-03, 08:33 AM   #8
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I'm so sorry to hear that, Katt. But it wasn't your fault... you didn't kill him. Don't blame yourself. He's in a much better place now (not that you didn't care for them properly, because it sounds like you must've really loved him). I'm sure he enjoyed his time with you.
Who are you callin' a freak?!
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Old 06-02-03, 08:36 AM   #9
Shane Tesser
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Sorry for your loss Katt
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Old 06-02-03, 08:37 AM   #10
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I once caught an ATB's head in a cage. But it was a metal lid! It didn't do any damage. But it is not your fault either way because without incidents like that, the GOOD things that happen couldn't seem quiet so sweet.

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Old 06-02-03, 09:12 AM   #11
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Thank you everyone for the kind and encouraging words, it's bringing tears to my eyes.

At the moment, I do feel like giving up, but I do love this species and I think it would leave a great big hole in my heart to not have them.

I don't think I will stop blaming myself for Fox's death, but I'll try to move on.

The stupidest things happen to everyone, but it's not fair the animals have to pay for the mistakes we sometimes make. Fox shouldn't have died and I can not atone for his life being taken.

A couple of friends helped me through the worst of it and I had Vanan on the phone, as he was at work. I was in shock at first. When I saw him dead I grabbed him and said no no no, then I got up and wandered around for a bit. I went to check on him again to see if he was alive again.

Fox was a beautiful snake. I'm choking up here again. Anyways, thanks again guys. I hope I can produce these guys like Nett and share the wonder of this species one of these days. Truely, WLP's are a gem of a species and Fox was a gem of a snake.
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Old 06-06-03, 08:34 PM   #12
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Sorry to hear that although it ident sound like your fault.
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Old 06-06-03, 08:47 PM   #13
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So sorry to hear about your loss, Katt... it does not sound like your fault at all, just bad luck.
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Old 06-08-03, 12:17 AM   #14
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its not ur fault, u loved him. if you want you can make a memorial for him at
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Old 06-16-03, 04:54 PM   #15
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On a more positive side, it's nice to see herpers who really think of their herps as pets and family members, not just showcase animals. You seem to have had a genuine love for this python, and that's nice to see. Hope you recover soon.
- Ken LePage
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