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Old 06-01-03, 07:14 AM   #1
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missing blue tongued skink

I have a big problem! Last night I was cleaning my bts cage, and allowed him to walk around the house as I have always done. Well, now he's missing! He is very chubby and close to two feet long, so I can't figure out where he could be. My husband and I have searched the entire house and don't see him. I'm concerned because it was very chilly here last night. I'm very worried. Has anyone else lost a lizard of this size before, and where did they turn up? And how much time later?
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Old 06-01-03, 08:07 AM   #2
Colonel SB
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I have lost smaller lizards but nothing that large. Just keep an eye out I would put a hot spot and food dish on the ground.
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Old 06-03-03, 11:17 AM   #3
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Mine always ends up in the corner curled up and sleeping. Put down a heat pad, cardboard and a towel in the corner of the room. Make sure the heat pad is set to low. He will end up on it unless he found his way into a wall somewere.

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Old 06-03-03, 12:03 PM   #4
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my large iquanas would always get out TOGETHER and just walk around the house right by each other.They would always end up in a window sun baithing...
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Old 06-05-03, 02:25 PM   #5
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Our bts's head for under the sofa - or chairs. They like the "cave" effect. Have you checked under everything? Be sure to check the closets too.

Morgana - Reptayls, Ltd.
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Old 06-05-03, 05:29 PM   #6
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I have checked in every closet, under every piece of furniture, absolutely everywhere! It has now been 5 days since my blue tongue has been missing. I am sooo upset! I think I've lost him for good. I don't want to have to replace him. I want him back. Can't figure out where he could be. There are no open vents or holes anywhere that he could fit in. But he is nowhere to be found.
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Old 06-05-03, 06:32 PM   #7
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i know a good trap that wont hurt him
all u have to do is get a old vcr with a flap door the one way type take everything inside out put a heat pad inthere and open the flap half way (i dont know if he can fit in there if not ime sorry for wasting ur time) try to get him in there sum how rub his food in a line into the flap and put it inside he will crawl in ther the flap will shut and uve got him (most vcr's have vents)
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Old 06-05-03, 08:58 PM   #8
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thanks snake goth, but i don't think he will fit. he's pretty good sized. but u know reptiles, they squeeze into spaces you'd never think they could. somehow, i think if he was around and able to come out, he would have by now. he was my favorite reptile i ever owned, and i lost him!
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Old 06-05-03, 11:04 PM   #9
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u never know u might find him look in verry weird places printers anny were he can even bearly get into i lost a rat once (i know thay aint a lizerd but eakwily as good at hideing) and i foud her in a closed draw (i hardly ever open it)
0.1 corn snake, 0.1 ball python, 2.1 leopard geckos (seperated )
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Old 06-06-03, 12:01 AM   #10
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Do you have bookcases? If they are low to the ground, you could check in there. What about the kitchen? Under the stove... frig... or washer & dryer. Bathroom? Behind a waste basket?

Our bts's are close to 2 ft long too... and I can envision them getting inro some pretty tight places. I see how they get under the burl wood in their enclosure. How do they get that flat anyway? One of ours got behind a rubbermaid tub - but I honestly don't know how.

Keep looking...... don't give up yet.
Morgana - Reptayls, Ltd.
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Old 06-09-03, 02:51 PM   #11
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I sure hope you have a happy ending with your runaway.

I can make some recommendations from previous experience:

If you have baseboard heating - I would all but guarantee your animal is wedged up under your heating someplace.

The fridge, oven, and any other large appliances with seemingly impossible clearances should also be checked as suggested above.

Under carpeting, in or behind upholstery, and inside low clearance drawers.

Many, many years ago I lost a juv tegu in the month of May, close to 2 ft. Don't know what he did, where he hid, or what he ate, but turned up in the beginning of September fit as a fiddle, and angry as hell about being found.
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