Well, you asked for it - so I am going to show off my guys! I have four tanks of goldfish that I really enjoy. The first and the real pets are two lionheads, one gold and one gold and white. The gold/white one (Edo) is over 5 inches now and Tosa, the gold one is still only about 3 inches. They are incredible characters - very active, inquisitive and gluttons. They delight in splashing everyone with their tails when you open the lid to put food in.
This is them (a view from above before they moved to their new tank a couple months ago).
Then there are the two fantails, a calico (Harmony) and a red/white (Lotus). Lotus has been on the forum before for a problem spending half her time upside down. She is doing better now that I got sinking pellets. They are in our kitchen and are just such beautiful fish and so active.
And we have two tanks of common and comet goldfish in various combinations of white and orange. All were feeder fish - 25 cents each - crazy to spend a thousand on tanks, filters, and stuff for $3 worth of fish, but they are fun.
Needless to say, we spend a lot of time each Sunday doing filter and water changes, but we really enjoy these guys.
mary v.