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Old 04-29-03, 03:41 AM   #1
Join Date: Apr-2003
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Posts: 66
corn breeding

I have 2 corn snakes (1 snow corn male 3years old and 1 normal corn female 2years old). I observed them mating the other day, I have been told that there is a good chance of them laying eggs. I have read that the best way or breeding them is to hibernate them, will this affect the eggs if the snakes have not been hibernated? what sort of colours would I expect? I have been told it could be a mix of the 2 colours, or maybe a normal coloured snake that carries the albino gene.
Any information on incubatin the egg would be apreciated.
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Old 04-29-03, 12:26 PM   #2
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well first of all how big is your female? I hope that it's big enough for breeding. (Rule of thumb is at least 36 inches and FAT)

Anyway, most snakes require burmantation (hibernation just in snake term). But corn snakes.....they just breed whenever they want.....with or without burmantation.....but some people say that having a burmantation period will increase the fertility a bit. But doing the burmantation or not will not affect on what snakes you will get. Only the genes of the snake will affect the outcome.

Since you have a snow x normal combination and assuming that both of these are not het for anything else, then you'll have yourself a clutch of 100% normal het for anery and amel (snow)

Hope this helped
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Old 04-29-03, 01:17 PM   #3
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now like what was said. i have found that the hibernation or cool-down peroid is not 100% nessesary. but it dosent hurt. i am not shure what will come out. but i have heard that the cool down peroid helps the male fully produce good healthy mature sperm. now on the incubation. what you will want to do is keep a good eye on the female. about 10-15 days after her pre lay shead you should expect to see some eggs. other sings are noticing your female constintly active looking around the cage for a good place to lay. now i have found that vermiculite works well. you can get vermiculite at a local flower shop or something like that. well you want to get the vermiculite nice and moist. but not soaking wet and put it in the cage for the female to lay her eggs in. the vermiculite absorbs moture well but you will have to re-mist it time to time. you want the vermiculite to be in a big contaner so your female will spread the eggs out and they wont be in a big clutch. now DONT SEPERATE EGGS THAT ARE TOGETHER. because you will kill one of them. as soon as you see the eggs in the box of vermiculite move the eggs into a incubater but be shure you domt turn the eggs over. they need to be the some side up as they where layed in the cage. if you do turn them over you can kill the egg because the yoak will crush and sufficate the embrio. you sould incubate the eggs on vermiculite. the eggs need to be incubated at a very humid (near saturated) envirment at a constant tempercher of about 80 degrees. now keep in mind this is one way of doing it. and there are several ways to do it. but this is just the way that i prefer. do some reserch on yahoo or something and do some resarch. there are a million care sheets on breeding corns. i hope this helps you out

P.S. sorry about the spelling. but you get the general idea
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